Poli Sci Majors Planning On Going To Ucla...

<p>hello guys...
Out of curiosity, is there any of you out there planning applying to UCLA as a poli sci major? and what JC your attending... because at my JC I can't seem to meet anyone thats a POLI SCI major.. And what other UC's (or calstate) have a strong POLI SCI programs? Thanks! (could you include your stats as well, so i can get a superficial feel for the applicant pool this year)</p>

<p>Hey a Lancer! yeah I used to go to PCC now I attend LA Mission College off the 210 west. Well I am applying tio the UC's as we speak actually. My focus is getting in to UCLA as I'm sure everyone is. I am also a Poi Sci major my gpa as of now is 3.78 with IGETC certification and TAP ceritified (btw the conference is this friday @ UCLA rom 9am-3pm you will get a lot of your questions answered I think they are meeting on the steps (Janns steps I think) leading to royce hall. I also have tons of EC (AGS, POli SCi club, ASO etc.) and a solid history of volunteer. I will be taking my personal statement for review let me know what you think my chances are. I think as long as we have all or most of our course completed with a gpa above a 3.5 we have a decent shot its not Econ then I think the competition level would be raised but I feel we hae a good shot. I'm hoping for UCLA but my sencond choice is U of Michigan. I really hope I get in because want to stay in cali.</p>

<p>Other schools in UC's/CSU's with strong poli sci departments would be San Diego State University, Cal State Northridge, UC Irvine, Berkeley, UC Santa Barabara, and defiantely UC San Diego (prob the best one after UCLA and Berkeley).</p>

<p>Why did you transfer out of CSUN?</p>

<p>I wasn't able to afford the tution along with the payments for housing it became too overwhelming. CC much cheaper.</p>