<p>From what my friends have told me, Brown seems to be an EXTREMELY liberal school. I am more in the middle, and I just wanted to see if this idea about Brown’s “liberalness” is true? Thanks for any responses.</p>
<p>Most colleges lean heavily toward the liberal side. Brown certainly does. However, not everyone is super political.</p>
<p>86.1% of students support Obama. But so do lots of middle of the spectrum folk.</p>
<p>OTOH, Mike Huckabee was just on campus and spoke to a packed auditorium who were interested to received his remarks.</p>
<p>I read that conservatives tend to get flak for their views, but I really can’t say since I don’t go there. Yet. (crossing fingers)</p>
<p>BrownP, apparently people were glad to have him there because he was funny and probably not as hardcore and in-your-face like some others. But when [David</a> Horowitz went](<a href=“http://media.www.browndailyherald.com/media/storage/paper472/news/2008/10/17/CampusNews/Horowitz.Lambastes.Islam.In.NearEmpty.Macmillan-3492953.shtml]David”>http://media.www.browndailyherald.com/media/storage/paper472/news/2008/10/17/CampusNews/Horowitz.Lambastes.Islam.In.NearEmpty.Macmillan-3492953.shtml), apparently the reaction was very negative. But then again he IS a ******bag I suppose.</p>
<p>in my opinion, it’s not that brown is extremely liberal in the sense that everyone is way out to the left, it’s more that the number of people who identify as republicans (or even just fiscal republicans) is really really small.</p>