Political Junkie's Chances

<p>I figured I would join the frenzy of chance calculating, so here goes:</p>

Top 4% of class
SATs: Math: 690 Verbal: 670 Writing: 750
SAT IIs: Math I: 660 Math II: 630 USH: 610 (retaking in January, different subjects)
Great Recs </p>


<p>Political (my passion):
-Appointed to be a Congressional Page for fall semester of Junior year
-Intern at local Congressional Office
-Volunteer at National Constitution Center - getting personalized letter from -President of the Center (graduate of Upenn)
-Volunteer on various political campaigns
-Member of Education Foundation Board and Neamand Series Board (An honor to be chosen, 1 of 2 students chosen for the first, one of three for the second)
-Co-founder of National Mock Trial Team
- Junior Statesman Summer School, Princeton, Comparative Government
- Junior Statesman Summer School, Georgetown, Constitutional Law</p>

- Drum major and section leader of Marching Band
- Play guitar(1 year) and saxophone(7 years)
- Red belt in Taekwondo
- President of Astronomy Club
- Captain of Academic Team, winning first place awards
- Winner of American Legion Award</p>

<p>My essay is about being a congressional page and is very well </p>

<p>I am trying to get across my passion for politics through my ECs, essay, recs, and desired major.</p>

<p>List is as follows, applying for PoliSci Major:</p>


Carnegie Mellon
Boston College</p>

UPitt (Hon)
Penn State (Hon)</p>

<p>I am desperate... what are my chances? What could I do to help myself at thi s point?</p>

<p>Thank you all so much</p>

<p>I like how you focused on 1 passion..</p>

<p>ur SAT I is ok, SAT II a bit low... for your reaches, they'd like to see at least a 700+ for all of them</p>

<p>I agree with you 100% in your Reaches/Matches/Safeties.</p>

<p>I'm from Pennsylvania too.. have you heard back from PSU yet?</p>

<p>No, just sent it out a few days ago..</p>

<p>Same for Pitt, I am hoping I can get into Schreyer honors college, but that is on the same level as some of my reaches.</p>

<p>bump bump anything else?</p>

<p>Hey dude, when did you attend JSA Princeton? I was at the 2005 JSA Princeton summer school, and it was an awesome experience (I did AP US Foreign Policy) </p>

<p>Anyway, I think your chances are quite good, though no one can be sure about the big ivy reaches. You did a fantastic job focusing on ONE single passion: politics. If you can further pull out a eye-catching hook out of your political passion and shed light on it, I'd be pretty sure that you can at least get into one of your reaches (plus a certain degree of luck, like having your application read by an admissions guy who's simply feeling well that day...) </p>

<p>I'm responding to this thread because the way you are tackling this college admission process is so similar to what I've done, and it worked. Though I have to agree with the above poster that do try to pull up those SAT II scores (ESPECIALLY US History, since after all, you are majoring in poli-science, and not doing good in history would create a big hypocracy on your application). </p>

<p>Anyway, good luck. And by the way, I'm also planning to major in politics, most likely international politics/relations. If you've any questions/concerns about what I've said, AIM me: JimmyKillarney</p>

<p>Sorry, but your SAT scores will most probably make any ivy not possible. I think you're reaches are unrealistic and your matches realistic reaches.</p>

<p>well my SAT Is are within the averages for the ivies listed.</p>

<p>Middle 50% low end SAT I scores:</p>

<p>Dartmouth- 1350
Upenn- 1340
Princeton- 1370</p>

<p>My SAT I was 1360 with a 750 on writing.. I know my SAT IIs were weak, but it was mostly for timing issues. I am retaking this January, and schools will have my scores for the retakes.</p>

<p>In Andrew Golden's bestselling book, he explains that 60% of seats at top colleges are taken by the "hooked": recruited athletes, legacies, development candidates, URMs. Being in range if you are not hooked means nothing. Look at the actual score averages for the schools (1480 math + cr at Dartmouth for example) to see what you must beat to have a realistic shot if you are unhooked. Look at the ED results for a true feel.</p>

<p>I hesitate to post this, but get real. The holistic thing is BS. They don't even look at ECs before you pass the stats test and you're pretty far off. And even then, you're ECs are better than average but not ivy special.</p>

<p>suze, you've been suprisingly really nice in your recent responses. This response was really harsh though. ;) I have to agree with what you said.</p>

<p>I think your own division of your schools is a pretty fair guess. </p>

<p>And, just out of curiosity.. any reason why you're not looking to apply to Tufts or Georgetown? I'm no "political junkie" and don't have anywhere near the strict involvement in politics that you have, but I've always thought that Tufts and Georgetown are the places to be if you want a great, politically-charged school.</p>

<p>I don't know if I should say this, but I am actually quite surprised with the extent some schools honor this "holistic approach." I just got into JHU, and I was SO surprised because my SAT scores and class average are all below average (very similar to what the OP has). It is really my ECs (heavily involved in anything to do with politics... yeah I'm political maniac as well...):) that saved me I think, and most importantly, thanks to Hopkins's holistic approach (and a bit of luck)</p>

<p>My point is, Ivyleague14, there is still hope, especially when you've so many impressive achievements and such rare passion for politics. Well, this is my opinion/personal experience, but I hope it helps.</p>

<p>well, obviously I believe I have the brains to get my scores up to the 1400s. Should I retake my SAT Is or SAT IIs?? Which would be more beneficial.</p>

<p>Might want to consider U of Michigan...their polsci program is ranked very high (#1 or 2 if I recall correctly? I'm not sure though)</p>

<p>Agree with Sphairaistic: Why aren't you looking at Gtown & Tufts? Most politically-charged schools in the country with the best IR programs, too!</p>

<p>gw would be a great match for you.
george town a possible reach.
since you want to do politics!</p>

<p>Ivyleague14, those are essentially 25% scores. So you're scores are about at the 25% level for those Ivies which is a precarious place. My advice is that your reaches are unrealistic and you need better reaches/ matches. As is, you might end up at a school that isn't a great fit. Its late in the process but if I were you I would do this:</p>

Upenn: DUMP
Princeton: DUMP
Brown: DUMP
Dartmouth: DUMP
Swarthmore: DUMP</p>

<p>These are going to be very difficult with your current scores, I would ay they are "super reaches". MAYBE keep a couple of them. I would add real reach schools like Tufts, Georgetown, UVA, and Emory as your reaches instead. </p>

Carnegie Mellon: KEEP
NYU (DUMP: But its because I hate this school)
Boston College: KEEP
Add: George Washington
Add: Michigan</p>

UPitt (Hon)
Penn State (Hon)</p>

<p>def. agreee..
with ur passion u would do really well at GW
and you could possibly do the BA/JD Program in 6 yrs
im applying for that.</p>

<p>I agree with most everything Slipper said, but it's not THAT much harder to get into Swarthmore and Dartmouth than to Georgetown and Tufts, I would think.</p>

<p>I lived in Washington DC for 5 months, and have lived on Georgetowns campus for weeks. I dont like the city, nor do I like any schools in the city. </p>

<p>I have to disagree with some of the people posting on this boarding saying that a difference of 60 points (1360-1430) is the difference of ivy league vs george washington.</p>

<p>To tell me to dump dartmouth college because of my 1360 alone is irresponsible and ignorant. I am fully aware my SATs have room for improvement. But if we can learn but one thing from posting on these boards, its that SAT scores are not everything.</p>

<p>Princeton is a reach, as is Brown. I feel that Penn, Dartmouth, and Swarthmore are all REALISTIC reach schools. Penn state is a safety... I have had people tell me that is a match school. I know people in my class who have been accepted to penn state with a lacking application all around. I feel safe about CMU, NYU, and BC. </p>

<p>I will wait this out and see, but knowing my application, I predict I am accepted to at least 2 of my 5 reach schools.</p>

<p>I think people are wrong when they tell you that you have no chance of getting into an Ivy. My scores are just slightly higher than yours and I've had a bunch of really good schools beating down my door because of my extra-curriculars. I'm the same as you; I don't have a huge range of extra-curriculars but I have devoted every waking moment to something I'm truly passionate about. If you have already taken your SAT I's twice I wouldn't take them again, because then colleges see all of your scores and how many times you've taken them. I scored a 1370 but decided not to retake them just for 30 lousy points. I also hate to say it but it might be too late to retake your tests. A lot of schools want your scores by January 1st (the latest I've seen is February 15th), and the scores usually take a few weeks to come back, and then another 3-5 weeks to go out unless you rush deliver them. But I'm really not sure on how long you can push that, so you might want to look into it.</p>