<p>Hello everyone, I'm considering transferring to UCLA as a political science major. I was wondering how difficult/competetive that major is at UCLA. I am also considering UCSD but I have heard that they are very difficult in political science.</p>
<p>Back in the '70’s, that was the major for the lawyer-to-be set. My husband graduated in '77 in political science and it wasn’t at all difficult or competitive. Don’t think it is now, either – after all, it IS north campus! I took a number of poli sci classes because I was interested in the subject, and if you like to read and like to think, it’s pretty easy. With one caveat: you really need to know where the prof’s head is at (as we used to say), that’s key, and argue his/her raison d’etre to do well.</p>
<p>Competitive? Yes.
Difficult? Not so much.
As long as you put in the time and effort, achieving a 3.5 in your major should not be a problem. Just watch out for Scott James! He is a killer!</p>
<p>Interesting. The major is very interesting to me which is another reason I chose it. Does anyone know how difficult the Political Science Program is at UCSD?</p>