<p>I'm a little confused (I'm not thinking straight today...).</p>
<p>On assist it says that you have to take two political science courses plus American Politics and then Political Inquiry (which is like a stats class) but that ONE of the two courses that isn't American Politics or Political Inquiry must be taken at UCSD></p>
<p>So far I finished American Politics and am taking BOTH Power and Justice and Comparative Politics. </p>
<p>I should drop one of these, right? Since ultimately I have to take one of those at UCSD?</p>
<p>I seriously need someone else to think for me today...it's sad.</p>
<p>Pre-Warning : I did not apply to UCSD because I do not intend to go there at all. But I am a Political Science major so I’ll try to answer this</p>
<p>From what it says on my school’s course articulation, “Students are required to take three of the four lower-division introductory courses (10-11-12-13), as well as Political Science 30 Political Inquiry. One of the lower-division introductory courses (10-11-12-13) must be taken at UCSD.”</p>
<p>I guess what it means is that you have to take 3 of the classes out of the four (10-11-12-13) with the remaining one being taken at UCSD. With that being said, you are currently taking 2/4 needed and you only have one done - which means by the end of this semester, you’ll have 3/4 needed. So I assume that you are doing everything right currently since you are left to do International Relations at UCSD. </p>
<p>But again, i might be wrong so you might want to ask your counselor or a UCSD political science adviser.</p>
<p>Thanks but I think that you actually need in TOTAL 3 of the 4 lower division intro courses and you have to take ONE of them at UCSD.</p>
<p>Since I’ve taken American Politics, and am enrolled in in comparative politics and political theory, I should drop one so that I can take either one at UCSD right? So that I have two courses done and then can take the THIRD ONE at UCSD?</p>
<p>Putting it in that way, I guess you do only have to take 2 courses at CC and one of them at UCSD. But i dont know, that doesn’t make sense because seriously - 2 courses? lol </p>
<p>You might want to double check with a poli sci adviser from UCSD like i mentioned above. they are the only ones who can answer this question right. </p>
<p>But second of all, it doesnt hurt to take another poli sci class. im sure they will just count it towards your 60 unit count.</p>
<p>Yeah I’m taking your advice. It’ll be one more class plus I want to be exposed to as much as possible. It will still count toward the major anyway and better be safe than sorry. Today’s the last day to drop without a W so I’m just gonna stick with it. Thanks man!</p>