<p>Does anyone know how the political science department is at Wellesley? What are the pros and cons of it? How hard it is etc? I'm really interested in knowing more of about the program. I am trying to decide between attending McGill or Wellesley. Any help would be VERY VERY appreciated.</p>
<p>The poli sci department is one of the most popular majors at Wellesley and so, it is a large department. I don’t think there are cons of the poli sci major… it has a breadth of courses you can choose from me, your classes are a mix of lectures and discussions… The professors are all very good and you can’t really go wrong with it. </p>
<p>I have no idea what the program at McGill is like so I can’t say anything about how they compare.</p>
<p>I think it’s really good. I’m not a polisci major, but it’s my third favorite department to take classes in (after econ and math, my major departments). The course options are broken down into 4 subcategories: American Politics and Law, Comparative Politics, International Relations, and Political Theory. I’ve taken 3 courses in the department; 1 in political theory and 2 in comparative politics and absolutely loved 2 of them (the third was absolutely fine). I’m thinking strongly about taking another in Political Theory next year since I enjoyed my first so much. There are lots of really good professors and just so many interesting courses. The course selections for next semester can be found here: </p>
<p>[Wellesley</a> College :: Course Catalog](<a href=“http://www.wellesley.edu/DeanCollege/CCI/Proposed/proposed0910.html]Wellesley”>http://www.wellesley.edu/DeanCollege/CCI/Proposed/proposed0910.html)</p>
<p>The one possible con to polisci at Wellesley is that there’s no minor, only a major, because the department feels that a minor does not offer the correct depth + breadth combination. As a person who probably would accrue a polisci minor if one were offered, I don’t feel like that’s a huge deal, but of course to each their own. I feel that my professors have been tough but fair, both in terms of the course workload and in terms of grading. Overall I just think it’s a great department.</p>
<p>Hi, I’m not a political science major but I take a lot of classes in the department and I think that one of the most incredible things about the department is how invested and active the professors are in their fields. I was in a seminar last fall that focused on the Presidential campaign and on the day after the election, my professor arranged for one of her friends- a former editor of the Washington Post- to come and re-hash the results with us. Another Poly Sci professor (Robert Paarlberg) testified before the US senate committee on Foreign relations just last month. This is true of most Wellelsey departments and not just Political Science but I think it sets Wellesley apart from many other schools. Just my two cents
Good luck though- both schools are amazing!</p>
<p>may I ask how liberal are the professors at Wellesley? thanks!</p>