Political Science Course Scheduling Question

<p>I am planning my course schedule. I know all of it will be explained at the orientation, but I still want to give it some thought in advance. I will be taking a required class PSCI 1014. My understanding is that this is all I can take from the required classes. Can I take at the same time PSCI 1024? Or is it usually scheduled for the second semester? Can I take an elective class, which has Pre: 1014, while I am taking 1014? Or do I need to complete PSCI 1014 before I can take any electives with Pre: PSCI 1014?</p>

<p>Thank you very much</p>

<p>To find this kind of stuff you can go to this website: [University</a> Registrar | Virginia Tech](<a href=“http://www.registrar.vt.edu/]University”>http://www.registrar.vt.edu/) and then click on timetable of classes. Then select the appropriate semester and subject and hit FIND. Scroll down till you see the class you want information about and click on the numbers to the left of the class name. There you can see restrictions, prereqs, coreqs, etc.</p>

<p>And to answer your question, both classes are taught first semester and you can take both at the same time. Whether or not you should I have no idea, but 1024 has no prereqs listed.</p>

<p>Thank you chuy for your reply. Got you about 1024. What about electives that do have Pre: 1014? Can I take an elective with Pre: 1014 at the same time I am taking 1014?</p>

<p>Thank you again</p>

<p>No, if a class is listed as a prereq you have to have had that class before you can take the other. If it’s something you can take concurrently it’ll be listed as a co-req.</p>

<p>Thank you very much, chuy</p>