Political Science & Linguistics

<p>My son is thinking of adding Linguistics as a dual major. Google Linguistics, and Brandeis doesn’t get many hits. Is there someone that knows the skinny on Linguistics at Brandeis?</p>

<p>There is a linguistics program at Brandeis, it’s small, but I know people in it who really enjoy it. One girl I know was telling me recently how she is writing a whole thesis on one Chinese syllable.
Here’s the website:
[Language</a> and Linguistics Program | Brandeis University](<a href=“Linguistics and Computational Linguistics | Brandeis University”>Linguistics and Computational Linguistics | Brandeis University)
I would definitely encourage your son to contact linguistics faculty.
He can also contact the undergraduate departmental representatives for Linguistics:
[Language</a> and Linguistics Program | Brandeis University](<a href=“Linguistics and Computational Linguistics | Brandeis University”>Linguistics and Computational Linguistics | Brandeis University)
I know one of them personally and she’s really nice.</p>

<p>Thanks catperson. My son has signed up for the admited students activities, including an overnight in one of the dorms. We’re looking forward to the visit.</p>

<p>They told my S that linguistics majors have to spend a day going around speaking in a madeup language. He thought that sounded great!</p>

<p>Any more comments on Linguistics at Brandeis?</p>

<p>Hi, BillysDad2014,</p>

<p>I’m just a freshman, but I’m a potential Linguistics major, so I suppose that my few cents will still be worth it :slight_smile: Obviously, I don’t have any additional experience at other universities, but I honestly feel that Brandeis’ linguistics program is exceptional–we’re small but mighty! Both ling professors I’ve had here have been amazing–engaging, challenging without being ridiculous, EXTREMELY willing to meet & chat outside of class, all of that good stuff–and I’ve only heard positive reports about other faculty members. Plus, I think that there are a lot of opportunities to get involved with Linguistics outside of classes. For example, one of my friends who is only a sophomore is working with one of the professors on a project, and I know that there are typically quite a few jobs/research positions [sometimes paid] open to students. </p>

<p>I hope that helped a little, and that your son chooses Brandeis–more linguists would always be appreciated :-)</p>