Political Science Transfer

<p>Hey everyone, just a question regarding transfers...</p>

<p>I'm currently a sophomore at Cuny Queens College, with a 3.8 GPA, I've been taking from 16-18 credits a semester. I declared Political Science as my major and was wondering what schools I could realistically apply to for a strong Political Science program. The problem is....in high school I wasn't the best of students, I had an 87 average, and a terrible 1650 SAT score, I just didnt really pay attention to my studies until I got to college and realized how important they were. So since I got my act together in college, I've managed a 3.8gpa, deans list, presidential achiever(top tier of class), golden key honors, member of the Academic Senate on Campus, member of the political science club, as well as a member of the Varsity mens soccer squad. I want to transfer because I want to go somewhere where I can be challenged academically and finish a good political science major. Any idea where to apply?</p>

<p>a lot depends on what year you are in now and what semester you want to apply out for</p>

<p>is there any region of the country you prefer over another?</p>

<p>Well I’m a lower sophomore(finals week now) and I’d file my apps soon, for next fall most likely. Anything along the east coast would be great.</p>

<p>Do you want a big school or a small school? Rural or urban? </p>

<p>Many of the big U’s are really good. Just to throw some out there:</p>

Washington University in St. Louis
U Chicago
George Washington (excellent opportunities for internships)
Georgetown (same reason as GW)
American (same reason as GW and Georgetown)
UNC Chapel Hill
U Michigan
the top UC’s</p>

<p>For LAC’s:
Claremont McKenna

<p>most of the schools that youfire mentioned are out of reach</p>

<p>some of those schools would be a very good fit however…george washington and american have excellent polisci programs and depending on the rest of your app., you stand a pretty decent shot at both of them</p>


<p>GW and american both look great…What do you guys think of Cornell’s political program, too much of a reach? I know for a fact that in the sphere of politics I can do very well, the problem, as I mentioned, is that my high school grades were not so stellar :/</p>

<p>Also, any great schools in the Northeast?(of course…reasonably within my reach)</p>

<p>cornell is not completely out of reach, but it is a pretty big one…politics is a major and an interest that everybody thinks theyre exceptional at…if you really want into cornell (although gw’s polisci program is, i would imagine, every bit as good as cornells) you reall need to do something to distinguish yourself a bit from all the other apps</p>

<p>Hmmm good point, looks like I’m going to have to apply myself to this. Its worth a shot anyway, I’m doing this just so I won’t regret it later on in life. Hell even if I do get in anywhere, I will have to look at the financial aspect, I mean cuny is practically free, and I know there are a few politicians who have graduated from here willing to help fellow grads out. And yes, I know what you mean by everyone is “good” at politics, trust me, freshman year everyone was planning on going to law school without even seeing the LSAT’s format, but that all dies out in due time.</p>

<p>I thought SUNY Binghamton had a decently ranked PoliSci program and would be pretty in reach for you to transfer to[counting you are a NY resident too].</p>

<p>Yeah Binghamton does seem like another great school, def looking for the best political science program thats at least in my reach. I’ll apply to a few, its just tough finding valid rankings anywhere, every list compiled seems to negate the others…</p>

<p>That’s the problem with rankings. None are ever consistent[minus the few schools that dominate the top].</p>

<p>Yeah, I came here hoping people would have insight. I’m not disappointed, I just need a list of schools so I can at least compare a few.</p>