<p>besides the obvious (the dc schools), what schools are really good for political science??</p>
<p>Michigan State, Rochester and Ohio State.</p>
<p>Tufts, UChicago, UC’s</p>
<p>Colgate, Duke, UNC, Johns Hopkins</p>
<p>Any of the ivy league schools plus Duke, Cal, UCLA, UMich, Chicago, Stanford, etc. Those are the most highly rated poli-sci schools and the “top tier”.
Good political science programs that are easier go get into:
The 3 posted above (OSU, MSU, Rochester), Wisconsin-Madison, U of Illinois, GWU, and American. </p>
<p>Those are just research universities, liberal arts colleges will also give you a great polisci education</p>
<p>When you look at poli sci programs (sometimes called simply “politics” or "government), keep in mind what your interest is. Do you want to focus on U.S. politics and political institutions, international relations, international political economy, political theory, conflict studies, etc.? Some programs cover all of these areas but I’d say that most are specialized in one or a few.</p>
<p>The London School of Economics ranks Ohio State’s political science program as 4th in the world. Something to keep in mind. We’re also very good in international relations, with the 3rd most influential scholar in the field teaching at OSU and the national homeland security academic center on campus, designated by the U.S. government.</p>
<p>Duke, Holy Cross, Georgetown Tufts.</p>
<p>Though it doesn’t necessarily list the schools with the best polysci/government programs, here’s Princeton Review’s “Most Politically Active Students” (which I think in some cases goes hand in hand with many students majoring in a solid government department, etc.): [Test</a> Prep: GMAT, GRE, LSAT, MCAT, SAT, ACT, and More | The Princeton Review](<a href=“Colleges with the Most Politically Active Students | The Princeton Review”>Colleges with the Most Politically Active Students | The Princeton Review)</p>
<p>I second Tufts, Duke, and UChicago but also would like to add Pomona and Claremont McKenna (two colleges in the Claremont consortium); they’re known for being very politically active with fantastic polysci programs and have this awesome Semester in D.C. internship opportunity during junior year I think. Just depends whether you’d like a smaller college or larger university environment (I’ve also heard OSU is great in polysci).</p>