Poll: Harvard or MIT


no doubt.</p>

<p>Harvard-no focus, just good all around</p>

<p>MIT any day
visitied both btw</p>

<p>MIT :smiley:

<p>MIT, I’m a math geek and I love engineering.</p>


<p>Sucks I didn’t get in. Not really, but yeah.</p>

<p>MIT… yo. :D</p>


Harvard; I’m a math nerd (Math is not much of a geek subject) and I don’t like engineering. </p>

<p>MSTP ftw</p>

<p>MIT, cuz the admissions officer who writes those blogs is so cute!</p>

<p>Considering I want to go into engineering, MIT. But personally, I would pick neither of them.</p>

<p>MIT. Why on earth would I want to attend Harvard?</p>

<p>Harvard- 12
MIT- 14 </p>

<p>(I didn’t count the ones who didn’t specifically pick either Harvard or MIT)</p>

<p>MIT definitely. Harvard is overrated. MIT is legit.</p>