Poll: what Internet browser do you primarily use?

<p>Firefox: 11
Internet Explorer: 3
Safari: 3
Opera: 1
Lynx: 1
Maxthon: 1</p>

<p>What is really the difference between Safari and Firefox anyway? ha</p>

<p>Firefox: 12
Internet Explorer: 3
Safari: 3
Opera: 1
Lynx: 1
Maxthon: 1</p>

<p>Firefox is the best thing since sliced bread.</p>

<p>Firefox: 13
Internet Explorer: 3
Safari: 3
Opera: 1
Lynx: 1
Maxthon: 1</p>

<p>Firefox is all that and a bag of chips.</p>

<p>Look at me, I just totally used that expression. Hah.</p>

<p>Firefox: 14
Internet Explorer: 3
Safari: 3
Opera: 1
Lynx: 1
Maxthon: 1</p>

<p>A person not using Firefox is like a person who says Wikipedia isn't a reliable resource: moronic.</p>

<p>It's like...choosing Leno over Letterman...or...Friends over Seinfeld...or...Pepsi over Coke. Ridiculous!</p>

<p>Firefox: 14
Internet Explorer: 4
Safari: 3
Opera: 1
Lynx: 1
Maxthon: 1</p>

<p>IE came installed on my computer. I didn't know that you could get different ones?</p>

It's like...choosing Leno over Letterman...or...Friends over Seinfeld...or...Pepsi over Coke. Ridiculous!
It's like...choosing....Pepsi over Coke



<p>blasphemy!!!! </p>

<p>pepsi pwns coke!</p>

<p>Firefox: 15
Internet Explorer: 4
Safari: 3
Opera: 1
Lynx: 1
Maxthon: 1</p>

<p>coke is so much better.</p>

<p>was pepsi originally a sugary pharmaceutical beverage? uh...i think not.</p>

<p>Firefox: 16
Internet Explorer: 4
Safari: 3
Opera: 1
Lynx: 1
Maxthon: 1</p>

<p>I could tolerate IE if it just had something like Adblock, but alas, my heart belongs to Firefox.</p>

<p>pepsi is still better.</p>

<p>Is AOL a browser?</p>

<p>Firefox: 16
Internet Explorer: 5
Safari: 3
Opera: 1
Lynx: 1
Maxthon: 1</p>

<p>lol, AOL. Are they still hoodwinking millions of people into paying a ridiculous amount for dial-up? I thought people would have caught on by now. I suppose they could be expanding their services, though. I dunno.</p>

<p>Firefox: 16
Internet Explorer: 5
Safari: 4
Opera: 1
Lynx: 1
Maxthon: 1</p>

<p>The main reason I prefer Safari to Firefox is that Safari automatically synchronizes my bookmarks at work and at home. But sometimes I run into a site that doesn't work with Safari; then I switch to Firefox.</p>

<p>know what i dislike?</p>

<p>ok, i'm really computer-illiterate i guess, since i have no idea how to delete firefox. now whenever i open a link from AIM, it opens in a firefox window even if i never actually use firefox. :( how can i change this?</p>