Polycultural weekend

Has anyone been invited to Polycultural yet? My son was invited in 2016, so I was thinking my daughter would be as well. We’d prefer PCW to the open house since it coincides with her spring break, but if invites have already gone out we’ll stop waiting. Thanks.

Son got one today. I was about to make a thread to ask about it and saw this.

What are the events? Do they only send invite to minority students or all students? What’s the difference between PCW and the open house?

My son sent an email to the PCW administrator and received his invitation. I don’t know if it’s open to all students, but I can send you the email address if you’d like.

It looks different enough from Open House events that we are actually going to both. I think with PCW, the student is paired with a “host/hostess” who will be their buddy throughout the weekend activities. They’ll sleep both nights in campus housing. If I’m reading the schedule correctly, there’s a workshop for parents on Friday night but then nothing directly for parents till Sunday afternoon. It’ll just be me and older son, so I actually booked a massage for myself for that Saturday and intend to explore SLO on my own.

Open House seems to be lots of activities going on for everyone all weekend. You’re not paired or assigned to anyone, just go and check out what catches your fancy. Husband and younger son will be joining us, and I expect we’ll be on campus all of Friday and most of Saturday.

Those are our plans and my thoughts; anyone else with more info or experience, please chime in!

D got the invite yesterday. We’ll stay in Pismo Beach for the two days while the girl has fun :smiley:

It’s a program run by cultural clubs to try to increase yield among under represented groups, but I think it is open to all if you ask for an invite. Write polycultural@calpoly.edu if you are interested.