<p>It may just be me, but it seems like Pomona actually puts quite a bit of weight on their interviews. I just had mine with an alumni earlier this week, and surprisingly it was the best interview I've had so far. We talked for over an hour and I think they really liked me. How much of an influence do you think the interview has, for Pomona, in particular?</p>
<p>Like you, I had an excellent interview; I think Pomona may weigh the interviews a little more than the Ivies/ other large schools because 1) it shows that you had interest by actively requesting it and 2) it’s such a small school/Not as many applications as the big schools, so they might actually want to see what kind of person you are before admitting you. Anyhoooo, the naviance site declares that an interview for Pomona is “recommended.” I guess that’s better than “optional”? :)</p>
<p>An interview helps to provide Pomona with a better “picture” of who you are as an applicant; however, not having the opportunity to interview will not penalize you.</p>
<p>Their belief, stated on the website, is that an interview is important if you live in LA and could get to Pomona easily enough, but not so much if you live across the country. Also, this year, because they ran out of interview spots fairly early, I imagine they’ll not even consider that.</p>
<p>It definitely gives them a better picture of you as an applicant. But you can definitely get in without an interview. Although if you’re a borderline applicant, then it seems the interview can make a difference, no?</p>
<p>Geez, I was just looking into a Pomona interview for my S, and find that he was supposed to have had it in December. We were thinking of visiting February 2d.</p>
<p>How will Admissions react when he calls now to request a Strongly Encouraged interview a month after it was supposed to happen?</p>