Pondering over Chemistry

<p>Hello CC!
This may seem like an odd question, but I have always been interested in diving into Chemistry, but I have stuck with "my" science, Physics. The main reason of this is because I love to do math, and I love applying Calculus concepts and doing long equations explaining things. I know this may sound geeky, but I just love to do it :) But anyways, how much math is involved in Chemistry? From what I see, it is general Algebra skills while "brushing" some Calculus concepts.</p>

<p>Yeah, the math is pretty much algebra, plus Calculus is used in Physical Chemistry. That’s why my favorite part of chem by far is the Thermo section! It was mathematical all the way and pretty interesting too :)</p>

<p>Good, you will be the ONLY person in your pchem class who is actually having a good time!</p>