<p>I didn't do to well in the ACT english. Mainly due to poor grammar and sentence structure. Is there a book that I could buy that would help bring up my score in that area? It doesn't have to be an ACT book, just something that will help my english out. And I would prefer a small book, none of that 500 page english textbook stuff.</p>
<p>many people raise their english score just by reading. go to a bookstore and buy something that looks interesting (required reading for your grade level would be good). As long as it's not too easy for you, it should help. </p>
<p>Also, you might want to check out ACT's official prep guide..check out act.org for more info on it. Working through the practice tests would likely give you some results a little faster.</p>
<p>Princeton Review's Grammar Smart is a good grammar book that is easy to understand. It is short and to the point. I suggest you get it along with the official ACT guide for practice.</p>
<p>Barron's has a comprehensive English Grammar review in their book.</p>
<p>I second the rec for Grammar Smart, although I didn't realize it came from PR. I got it a few years ago as a general grammar guide and it's very good.</p>