Portuguese vs Italian

<p>Which one is worth learning?</p>

<p>I’m studying Italian right now, and it’s pretty useful. Of course, I’m a literature student, and I’m more interested in Italian literature than in Portuguese / Brazilian literature. If you’re looking for economic practicality, I’d go for Portuguese. Brazil has been on the rise for the past decade and the only country that speaks Italian is Italy.</p>

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<p>thanks maplesurrup. Anyone else?</p>

<p>Portuguese without a doubt. I’m an Iranian who taught myself Portuguese to fluency in about 4 years just out of sheer obsession with the language and culture. In terms of getting a job, Portuguese is MUCH more useful seeing as how Brazil is one of the fastest growing economies in the world and is the powerhouse of the southern hemisphere. Also, I think Portuguese just sounds more unique; it’s been described as “a drunken Frenchman trying to speak Spanish with an Italian accent.” I’m absolutely in love with the language.
Boa sorte!</p>

<p>Boa sorte means good luck, right. If it does Portuguese might be easier than i thought.</p>

<p>yes it does, but it’s also very easy in italian, buona fortuna. portuguese is one of the harder romance languages to learn. from a linguistic perspective, italian is one of the most lexically and grammatically simple languages in the world, making it very popular for people who want to learn a romance language but don’t want all the stress. also, italian pronunciation is MUCH easier than Portuguese, so Italian might be the better choice. i personally like Portuguese much better, but you’ll become fluent in Italian in less time.</p>

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<p>The reason i say that its easy is because I know Spanish so it seems to be similar to Portuguese being a romance language and all.</p>

<p>Here’s how it is linguistically when it comes to Portuguese and Italian in relation to Spanish (yes linguistics is like my hobby, I know it’s weird, btw i speak Portuguese and Spanish fluently, and I’m teaching myself Italian right now):
At the basic level, Portuguese is closer to Spanish than Italian is.
Once you go more advanced, Italian is closer to Spanish than Portuguese is.
Portuguese vocabulary is generally a bit closer to Spanish vocab than Italian is, but Italian grammar is definitely closer to Spanish than Portuguese is. So, once you grasp the vocabulary, Italian is easier for a Spanish speaker than Portuguese. At the fundamental level, like when you first start learning, Portuguese will be a bit easier than Italian. </p>

<p>Of course, all of this only applies on paper. When spoken, Portuguese is NOTHING like Spanish. Spoken Portuguese, depending on the dialect, has been compared most often to Romanian. People often say it sounds like a mix of French, Italian, and Russian.
Spoken Italian is much easier for Spanish speakers than spoken Portuguese.
Both are beautiful languages, so I say learn both!</p>