Posponed from madison??

<p>Hi I am new to this site and was just wondering what the chances of acceptance are from UW after being postponed. Wisconsin is one of my top choices but I thought that I would get in for sure. My GPA is 3.5 and I got a 32 on the ACT which is way above the average for acceptance. My brother is a senior at wisconsin and got in with similar grades and a 30 on the ACT and also I am out of state. Can someone please tell me the chances of my accpetance and why I was postponed?</p>

<p>About 50%. Be sure to do what they suggest.</p>

<p>50% even with my above credentials?.. I thought I would get in right away</p>

<p>Hard to say but seems thing are tougher this year than last. Good luck.</p>

<p>If you were postponed that probably means that there were more qualified applicants–so stop being so cocky about your 3.5 gpa and 32 ACT. Considering that you didn’t say anything about your essay or your extracurriculars I’m guessing they were far from spectacular. Comparing yourself to one person who got into UW Madison years ago when there are thousands of other applicants vying for the same spots is a bit childish. Just keep working in school and hope that your postponement turns into an acceptance. There’s nothing else you can do.</p>

<p>Guess i’m no longer the harsh truth one here. ;-)</p>

<p>wow thanks, you sure are a big help…</p>

<p>I didnt mention my essays and my extracuriculars not because they are bad but because they are not spectacular. However, they are not average. Also please feel free to leave your honest opinion as that is the point of this site and I would like to thank Barrons for leaving his/hers, but there is no need to call me cocky or childish, you dont know me.</p>

<p>And after reading your comment tyyao2000, I believe that you are the one being childish.</p>

<p>You didn’t say whether that GPA is weighted or unweighted, or whether you have had a very rigorous schedule with mostly honors and AP classes.
Those factors are important to the admissions committee.</p>

<p>If you were postponed before grades for fall semester came out, they are waiting to see those.</p>

<p>A 3.5 gpa isn’t spectacular for any year of admission. That’s only 1/2 A’s- 1/2 B’s, unless there’s a lower grade or more lurking. </p>

<p>Message to all students with UW on their future radar- be sure to always do your best, never blow off courses because you’re bored or whatever. It could come back to haunt you when you want to apply. The competion could be fierce and the little differences matter.</p>

<p>^^^^^^^^ Yes.</p>

<p>unweighted 3.5 all honors and 3 ap’s…and yea I messed up in bio and chem freshman and sophomore year and I greatly regret that.</p>

<p>another question is being postponed wisconsin’s way of defering a student?..my guidance counselor said he never heard of the term</p>

<p>Yes postponed is the same as deferred. If you really want to go to Wisconsin I would write a letter to the admissions counselor and tell them that Wisconsin is your number one choice and if admitted you will attend. Try to get good senior year grades and send them along. Also, how many letters of rec did you send? they like to see AT least 2. Sending another letter of rec would be a good idea…preferably not from a teacher but from a coach or someone like that.</p>

<p>…just for the record…I am surprised you did not get accepted too…they must be hung up on your grades…hopefully you have some decent senior year grades to send them…that should surely help your cause! Good Luck…you look like a good candidate to me! BTW…I assume you are out of state?</p>

<p>Yes, he/she is:

but it is no longer clear what effect being out of state has on admissions. The extra tuition money collected from OOS students may be attractive.</p>

<p>raooo23, I also got postponed, most likely because of a less rigorous schedule. I am taking APs and honors this year, and I will have all A’s, so hopefully that will be enough. As long as you have strong grades this year, you should be fine too.</p>

<p>thanks for the help everyone…my grades this semester are strong so I hope that will be able to get me in, and I already send in two letters of recomendation.</p>

<p>Is it highly likely that they even WILL look at the kids who are postponed? I’ve heard of colleges essentially filling their freshman class with early and regular acceptances and not going to the waitlist/postponed group at all. My daughter was also told the 50-50 chance thing, but I’m skeptical. </p>

<p>There’s a memo on the UW-Madison site dated May 2010 saying that for the fall of 2011 they weren’t taking anyone off the wait list. Now that was last year, and late in the year and it might refer to a list created after the Feb-March review. And the admissions person told me that they don’t use the term waitlist, so I’m wondering if the early applicants are ‘postponed’ but later applicants get put on wait list. </p>

<p>But it makes me wonder how much to get my kid’s hopes up - not just for getting in but also about even being reviewed. Thanks for any info you have on this and Wisconsin’s traditional practices. I’m not skeptical of Wisconsin, per se, just that with steep competition in these schools that kids postponed have a chance.</p>

<p>@HaroldsMaude I hope that is not the case…but I know that most colleges, if you are defered that just means that your application is put into the regular decision pile.</p>

<p>I hope that’s the case. It makes sense. They said that they look at postponed packages with a fresh eye, and assign them to a new admissions counselor. The timing for notification is also the same as for the Feb applications. And as we thought about it, if a postponed packet is improved for the second review, but the chances were lower of acceptance because it was not reviewed until after the regular applications, then why wouldn’t someone just pay another fee and apply a second time, so they were considered in the regular acceptance pool. </p>

<p>Let’s hope there is a clear difference between the postponed or deferred group and a true waitlist that schools may not use if their class fills. </p>
