Possibility of rescinding acceptance

Hello, I’ve been recently conditionally admitted to Cal Poly SLO as a computer engineering major. My transferable GPA was 3.41 I will have around more than 90 semester units completed by this spring. I did complete the GE requirements as well as major prep course requirements except one course. Here is my current situation.

One of the required course cal poly asks is first course of General Chemistry. I did plan to take it for this spring semester, but i could not register for the class as the chair deparment said i need to fulfill the pre-req which was chem 65 in my school. (I believe this course is a high school level introductory chem.) I was careless about it since i assumed that cal poly would reject me, but now that i am conditionally admitted, i am feeling miserable now.
I do understand their policy as i did tons of researches that if i dont finish all required courses, admission may be canceled and they would not take any summer courses. (I found out recently that i am able to take the general chem at different community college on summer, but this won’t matter.)

My question is, has there ever been a case where cal poly accepts a student that misses one required course?

I checked the 2 years program as a junior to senior and I notice that the course that requires lower division general chem will be taken during the winter semester and not the upcoming fall. Does this mean that I have a hope of taking lower division required course at Cal Poly SLO? I did contact their admission office and they wrote me, “There have been times that missing one required course could lead to a rescinding of admission and other times not.” I believe this is part of their automated message so if i can get an insight of the possibility of rescinding acceptance, i would really appreciate it. Thank you!

I’d take it over the summer so that you can say you’re doing that. Don’t miss this opportunity if you can make it happen.

I dont know why i have been thinking it so negatively… assuming that they won’t accept summer course at all. Frankly, regardless of the result, i was already planning to take it over the summer. I do regret replacing the general chem course over discrete math course which is what im taking right now… GPA would not be an issue at all as i am maintaining all As for current semester. I really hope they would accept my summer course :frowning:

Call admissions and tell them that a scheduling conflict forced Chem into the summer, but that you will have it done before you start at Cal Poly. It will allay your fears. Good luck!

Thank you so much !!

@eyemgh @Gumbymom I did get a letter of rescindment on May 1st. My student center page switched from “Congratulation! …” to “You have been denied …” I sent in an appeal letter stating the same thing I wrote above. I read the appeal guideline saying that I need new appealing information in contrast to my original admission application. Is my case fit in this category? (My final grades for spring will be most likely all As, which will bring my overall GPA to 3.5 ish, and I am very confident that I will ace the chem course that I am missing) Nonetheless, I would like to know the chance of my appeal… Any help would be appreciated…

@Humanism: So SLO acknowledged that they received the explanation of why you were unable to take the Chem course? Do you have documentation indicating that the information you sent was received and processed by admissions? Did SLO contact you about this prior to being declined?

@Gumbymom The person i talked about my current issue was the admission advisor. Not the chief admission officer. I got an email saying that my conditional admission has been rescinded when they reviewed my official in-progress transcript. The transcript does not indicate the course i will be taking during summer because the chemistry course i register is from a different community college. Im pretty sure the person i talked to via email knows the situation. However, I do not know if the person took my issue into consideration in reviewing my official transcript.

I would then appeal if you can show documentation that you are indeed taking the course at another CC. If you have a copy of the summer registration that would help. You probably need to speak with the chief admission officer to find out if taking the course this summer will make any difference. If not, then you have no choice but to move on.

If you have the name of the person you did speak to I’d reference them in your appeal too.

On the portal it states conditional acceptance based upon final transcripts with a minimum grade of “C” in all coursework. What if a student has a C-? Weill they be rescinded?

@REVEdream CP doesn’t consider +/- in HS grades.

Final appeal decision was made and I am denied admission to Cal Poly. Hopefully, this thread will be a help for future transfer student not to miss any required courses xD I will be attending Cal Poly Pomona as I cannot waste another year in community college. Thank you all for the help :slight_smile:

Sorry to hear that, but I can say with certainty that if you make the best of your opportunity at CPP it will lead to a fruitful career. Good luck!