Possible chances :P

I am a current senior in high school with around a 3.5 overall GPA(estimate) so far in a public school with alot of people and top ranked in the area in california. This semester/quarter, i expect a 3.85 or greater definetely ( so hopefully that will boost up my gpa). I am indian(if that will matter) I came to the US at 1999 and I am now a permanent resident. My best SAT Score was : 1890 with M:740 E:560 W:590. I am planning to take it again this october and hope to score between 2000-2100. If my schedule is needed for the past 3 years to determine my chances, I would be glad to provide it. I am filling all my extra classes with computer related since I plan to major in computer engineering. But, only last year and this year do I have challenging 3-4 AP/Honors classes. I don't know my current rank among my class but i expect to be in the 30-50% range since there are around 600 people in my class. The only negative that i have is that i have almost no extracuricular activities. I been in clubs, but not that many, 3-4 at school. I volunteered for about 20 hours at a local community service but that's not that great compared to other people's EC's.I am fluent in french, tamil(indian language) and english.
I did a bunch of research and did college chance thing on collegedata.com
i ranked my colleges from most likely to get in to least:
Good Bet:
Purdue Univ.–West Lafayette</p>

<p>Good Chance:
University of Washington
University of Michigan–Ann Arbor
University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign
Univ. of Maryland–College Park
Univ. of Wisconsin–Madison
uc-san diego

Rice University
california institute of technology</p>

<p>I still havent decided my top 9 yet and i might not be willing to write 9 essays/apps. I still have a couple of months. If anyone has any advice, please feel free to reply.</p>

<p>If you would recommend any other top cpu engineering college that i have a good chance to get into, please feel free to recommend.
Thanks for your time and response-If more info is needed, ask.</p>


<p>RPI and WPI.</p>

<p>would those be good matches or saftey's? I based my college list from the us news college ranking for computer engineering ( top 25) and im not familiar with those 2 colleges, but i will research them today</p>


<p>UCB/UCLA: Super Reach (Engineering)
UCSD: Reach (Engineering)
UCI/UCD: Slight Reach</p>

<p>thanks for your input guys.
I will get my transcript copy today and i will post updated reports(not estimates)</p>

<p>I have to add something, I came to the US in 1999 and did not know about the college system until i reached junior year, when i figured out it is not all about grades but also about ec's. I tried to get around 200 hrs of volunteer hours over the summer between junior and senior year but i couldn't due to reason of arrest(most likely probation). So i had a hard time during that summer and canceled my volunteer hour plans. Thats why i have almost no ec's ...</p>

<p>i got my transcript and my "official" gpa is
weighted: 3.548
unweighted 3.452</p>

<p>i am not a great student taking all hard classes, i only have 2 aps and 3 honors classes all my years in high school.(counting senior)</p>

<p>I agree with flopsy about the UC's, though I'd say UCI and Davis for you would probably be more of a higher sort of match, rather than a reach. I don't really know enough about the other state schools to offer much input.</p>

<p>And as for your "reaches," I would say little to no chance. Super super reach for both CIT and Rice. They're both just insanely competitive.</p>

<p>i understand about rice/cit/all ucs, i just need help with states.. anyone know anyone who got in with stats?</p>