Possible Changes To Benacquisto and Florida Aid

FYI, SB 86 is now on the Senate agenda for 3/16 at 12:30 p.m.


Here is the SB 86 Bill Analysis for those interested.



Indeed. There must be enough support for the bill in the Senate to reintroduce it so soon. Keep the pressure up: call and email committee members and your state representatives!

A revision of SB86 is now available. Should make for an interesting meeting tomorrow.


The clause is a little confusing though. For the entering class this fall, the OOS students are eligible for the Benacquisto scholarship, however, is it renewable? It only says renewal for the current nonresident students. Does it include the incoming class 2025?

Specifies that the 2021-2022 academic year is the final year of initial eligibility for
nonresident students. However, current nonresident students receiving a scholarship may
continue to receive renewal awards

The revision does not change the language that would jeopardize the COA amount for Benacquisto scholars. Please email all education committee members about this alarming proposal.

OOS students enterring the Class of 25 are not in danger of becoming ineligible. However, all Benacquisto Scholars are at risk of having their award amount changed by the GAA each year. This is the concerning language and this revision does not change the initial language.

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That wording is only in the analysis. It’s not in any of the amendments that I can see. The only wording in the amendments specifies that the OOS Benacquisto ends after the 2021-2022 academic year.

Not only that, but if the bill takes effect in July, the current entering class may not know what their scholarship amount will actually be until that time or later. It’s bad enough for current scholars, but how is the current entering class expected to make a final college choice by May 1?

My worry is more than the GAA thing. What if the incoming class cannot renew the scholarship next year at all? They really need to make this clear.

I am afraid that we OOS get the least attention. It’s tough to make an informed decision without knowing the details.

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We are on our flight back from a campus visit to UF. My son likes the campus. However, he surely won’t attend if the Benacquisto is not secured.

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I understand your concern is regarding renewal awards. From my understanding, renewals would not be affected beyond the GAA provision. I am not a policy analyst but have dedicated countless hours to studying the statutes surrounding the Benacquisto and this bill and believe that award renewals are not in jeopardy.

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The Benacquisto has NEVER been a sure thing, especially at UF. It is always dependent on the budget and while FSU and UCF have agreed to provide anything lost in the budget, UF never did.

My child had the resident grant, which was also always dependent on the state budget (still is). They were getting $2500 per year and in Spring 2014, there wasn’t enough money (or too many applied for it, depending on which way you want to look at it). All students receiving the grant were shorted something like $30. Some schools made the students pay that $30 while others just ate it. The next year, the grant actually went up to $3000 and the legislature fully funded it for all the years my daughter was in school.

I can see that happening with the Benacquisto too. The legislature funds $XXX but if more students apply for it than $XXX will cover, the award for every student could fall short.

Correct. The procedure for renewals does not change. The amount will be equal between in-state and OOS students entering no later than 2021/22 for the duration of covered studies. It is likely that the amount of the scholarship will be at least equal to that for Bright Futures. Thanks for pointing out that Benacquisto will continue for in-state students, at least in the name, beyond 2021/22.

So what are the changes in Benacquisto for in-state students entering college 2022 and beyond?

The award amount would be subject to the yearly budget and not set at COA for all Benacquisto scholars if the bill were to pass. If the proposed amendment submitted today were to pass, scholars entering 2023 and after would be subject to the guidelines regarding acceptable careers.

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Great to know it would cover all four years. I would imagine it’s the case, but the way the proposal was written sounds otherwise.

That sounds not too bad. There could be some risks due to the fluctuation in the numbers of eligible students year over year, but that level of risk is manageable. Thanks for sharing your experience.

Depends on what your child intends to major in. Anything requiring grad school (ie., not “immediately employable”) is supposed to be off limits.
The level of the award could be lowered every year.