<p>So the other day I was called about an OV to Dartmouth. This was my first OV call of the fall so I bounced off the walls and now we're going to start planning it. But my concern is...</p>
<p>Before the call, I was never really considering Dartmouth. I was never in love with the rural environment or heavy Greek life. Honestly, I'm just a nerd wants to live in a castle-looking dorm. But from what I've seen from Dartmouth's campus, while very beautiful, is that it lacks the "castle" feel and instead has the "traditional college" look to it. But this is all creeping I've done online.</p>
<p>I would greatly appreciate if any students (alumni or current) would give me more of an insight (architecture, Greek life, non-academic life) about the college; pictures can tell only so much.</p>