Possible Minority Status Benefits for Admission?

<p>My mother is Caucasian and my father is Hispanic, and we have always documented my ethnicity as "hispanic" in school records. Would it work for me or against me to state my ethnicity as Hispanic in my applications?</p>

<p>If you consider yourself hispanic, you can say that you are hispanic.</p>

<p>A lot of colleges and universities consider ethnicity in admissions, but it is one of many factors. Some places try to recruit under-represented minorities. If you are in the admissions range of a school, it will help but how much depends on the place where you are applying.</p>

I have transferred your thread to the Hispanic Students subforum, please take a look at some of the sticky threads for information about college admissions and Hispanic ethnicity. </p>

<p>In general, being Hispanic is a positive for college admissions, however how much it might help you depends on many factors including but not limited to: your country of origin, SES, amount of identification with your Hispanic culture, overcoming adversity, etc. In addition colleges vary, while some colleges are trying to build a diverse classes, some public universities cannot by law use race and/or ethnicity as admissions factors.</p>

<p>x-posted w/copterguy</p>

<p>Thanks entomom, I’ll definitely check those out. I’m applying mostly to art colleges or colleges with good art programs, like SCAD, California College of Art, and VCU Arts.</p>

<p>You might want to check out the Brown/RISD program if you haven’t already.</p>