Possible Misinterprtation?

<p>Hey all!</p>

<p>I sent in my application to Yale SCEA a while ago, and just today I was thinking about it when I came across a possible discrepancy.</p>

<p>Concerning Quiz Bowl, I put in the honors won, positions held, etc. box "Indiana qualifier for NAQT Nationals (1st)."</p>

<p>Now, what I meant to convey was that we won the Indiana qualifier for NAQT Nationals. Unfortunately, it may imply that we actually won NAQT Nationals. I'm worried about a possible misinterpretation and being labelled a liar. Should I send in some sort of clarification?</p>

<p>Don’t sweat it. I’m sure that Yale receives many applications with people trying to buff their stats. Lol! But one activity shouldn’t bring you down. If you’re a strong enough applicant, then everything else should shine through. :)</p>

<p>To me, it doesn’t sound like you said you placed 1st in NAQT nationals, I think you’ll be fine.</p>

<p>yeah, just by looking at that, it doesnt seem as if itd be a problem. the 1st clearly relates to the qualifier and not to the nationals part. hmm, and if you actually did win nationals, theyd prolly wonder why its not a lot more explicit than that haha.</p>

<p>I would read that as just saying you were a qualifier.</p>

<p>I would read as qualifier too and agreed with post #4</p>