Hi, I’m an incoming transfer student. Have 5 courses in progress.
I missed one of the important tests of one course, and it significantly lowered my grades for that course. I knew it was totally my fault; but in my defense, I did nearly perfect before this happened. Anyway, I might get a C- or even a D in this course. What’s worse, the course is in the required curriculum of my major.
I’m soooooooooooo worried about the possible offer revocation! I emailed my admission counselor and was told that they would review my grades at the end of this semester to determine whether to rescind my admission. But this answer is kind of blurred; I’m still wondering what will happen to people like me.
So does anyone know situations like mine? Thanks for your help ahead 
Additional information: I’m doing well in the other courses. There will be at most one B for other courses in progress.
It takes EXTREME circumstances for them to revoke your acceptance (such as breaking the law/plagiarizing/failing every single class).
My last semester grades were: 2.0, 3.0, and 4.0 to give a better idea. At the time, I was freaking out because my grades had majorly declined, but the school never asked for an explanation. I was in, and I was fine.
It’s terrifying, but I’d be willing to bet that you’re absolutely fine! They probably won’t even ask you to explain why your performance wasn’t as great as it usually is. If they do, then you can just explain the situation. I REALLY REALLY doubt that they’ll ask though.

A D can cause an offer to be rescinded. Do what you can to get that grade back up to a C - .
I got a D in my last semester after being accepted. The advisers/staff I emailed said it wasn’t anything to be concerned about. I was only taking 3 classes.
One" D" can trigger a review and possible rescind. As stated get your grade up so you don’t have to worry about it. Just because it didn’t affect one student doesn’t mean it can’t affect you.
ended senior year w a 3.0 GPA and ended up in the honors college here