<p>Our daughter has prior school commitments and will be unable to make SADIOS. It seems overnighters are only available Monday through Thursday. We tried for a Thursday overnighter but then discovered that there were very few classes for her to attend on Friday. Any other day (M - W) she would end up missing at least 2-3 days of school (don't even know if the school would approve the visit) coming from the eastern time zone. Admissions tells me that if she knows a current Scripps student, she might be able to spend the night on Sunday and then attend some classes on Monday. Unfortunately, she/we do not know anyone at Scripps. </p>
<p>If anyone on this board knows of a current Scripps student who would be willing to unofficially host our daughter overnight on an April Sunday evening, please PM me.</p>
<p>Thanks so much for your help!</p>
<p>I’m responding to my own post. Our daughter shared today that she did not need another visit to Scripps to help with this decision because she has decided to attend Scripps this next year. Best possible choice she could have made - we’re so happy for her!</p>
<p>Many thanks to all the students and parents who have posted in this forum. She read through many of the past postings, and that really helped her with the decision process.</p>
<p>Great! My D is finishing up her Freshman year and has love every minute of it! We are also from the east. If you have any questions, just let me know. Congratulations to your daughter.</p>
<p>Thanks so much, revbon50! After reading through so many postings, I think we’re all a little “saturated” with information right now.
I’m sure we’ll have more questions in the future - so we’ll definitely be taking you up on your offer. Thanks again!</p>