Possible performance improvement on mobile

You are disseminating incorrect information. All trust level 3 members can post photos. There is a thread on that.

@skieurope Gee, thanks for pointing out that ā€œI read wrongā€ because your link refers to a post I have never seen. First of all, I have no idea what a level three member is or how one knows if they are one. Second, that post is a day old. Sorry if I did not indicate that when CC was launched, my statement was true - only admins were able to post photos.

As a mod, you might consider how your message comes across. I was trying to be helpful. You could have left out your first sentence.

This shows that ā€œslide barā€ down by the post numbers (14/21). But I canā€™t consistent;y access that slide bar. Itā€™s very helpful. Please make it accessible.

And now if you try to post more than 3 ( I believe) posts in a row you get a message that tells you its not allowed, and wonā€™t let you post the post. So, if you miss the edit window because you have to look for something or try several things, you canā€™t post with updates if no one else has posted in between? If that is to weed out spam, thatā€™s one thing, but it sure is another inconvenience.

The edit window for regular (level 3) users is 30 days. Are you not able to edit previous posts @jym626?

How does a user know whether they are level 3 and what does that mean?

Edited to addā€¦I quoted your post @CCadminMike but it was removed. Is there a reason why?

Hmm interesting. Going to tag @CC_Jon on this one. Looks like the system prevents quoting the whole post if the post you are replying to is immediately aboveā€¦

The screens are still hard To find on my IPad (have to turn it sideways to get the text boxes to show up) and I wasnā€™t initially looking to edit- just to post the photo. And as I said it didnā€™t work on the other mode-so I had to put it back on desktop mode, so didnā€™t try to edit. Nice to know the edit window is longer, but still would prefer to be able to post a few in sequence without having to wait to see if someone else is going to post. If no one posts, is a person not going to be able to post again in that thread?

I have this on desktop view on my ipad now, and it has crashed several times when I am trying to type a post.

The screen still jumps crazily on my phone. And when I click on a thread or scroll to see additional threads or comments I see the loading wheel for several seconds every single time. Scroll. Loading wheel. Click to open thread. Loading wheel. Scroll to read posts. Loading wheel. Hit back button to go back to threads. Loading wheel. This isnā€™t fun.

@CC_Mike- Donā€™t think you addressed my question about that blue slide bar (see photo a few posts up). How do we consistently access it?

@jym626 Can you tell me what device + browser you are using? Looks like a tablet, but not sureā€¦

Yea that was on the iPad.