<p>So I've already made a post about my chances for HYP, and people seemed to think that I had a decent chance, but again, it's really a roll of the dice for everyone... But I was wondering if it would help my chances at all if my dad's company provided the precast concrete for Princeton's new football stadium, which opened about 10 years ago. It's not like they donated this concrete, but is it still a notable connection with the University that would help in the admissions process? Thanks!</p>
<p>I’m not an expert by any means, but that seems like a huge reach.</p>
<p>This has to be one of the most absurd things I’ve seen on this board.</p>
<p>I mean, the company’s engineer had a pretty integral part in designing the stadium… Would it hurt to mention it?</p>
<p>If you’re going to do it…don’t make it completely obvious.</p>
<p>In your essays, mention how you visited Princeton while your dad was doing the project and fell in love with it, how it started your dream of Princeton, or how you gave attention to your dad’s work because you wondered if you would get to the school where his project would be.</p>
<p>Yeah, of course, I would never just overtly state it in my application. I was just wondering if it merited at least some mentioning, as SarCo suggested (thank you). And Petersuu, even though this obviously isn’t a deal breaker in my application, I wouldn’t call it “absurd”; I thought it was a very legitimate question.</p>
<p>I think he meant that CC is just full of driven, intense students and since these schools are so competitive, students resort to finding these kinds of connections to give them even slightly better odds.</p>
<p>Concrete in NJ. You never know whom your dad might know. Eyy, Ohh!</p>
<p>I don’t see how it would give you a competitive edge at all.</p>
<p>Sorry I’m just trying to be pragmatic. There are almost certainly more appropriate essay topics. I don’t think mentioning something like that would give you a particular edge.</p>
<p>Again, it wouldn’t be a huge part of my application, and certainly not the topic of my essay</p>