Hi I am currently a high school senior and have been accepted to Cal Poly SLO for architecture. My grades have been good so far in second semester but am nervous my acceptance will be rescinded because I accidentally said I would be taking a year of Economics instead of a semester. I am however taking another music class during that period so I am unable take another semesters worth even if it means repeating the same material.
Cal Poly is my top school and I have already accepted and paid the initial fees for room and board. I’ve seen other discussions talking about the MCA score being the sole factor in deciding acceptances in past years. In in it said that college prep electives were not given any points as a part of the overall score. Still I’m anxious about if it will affect my acceptance and if I will be rescinded.
Thanks in advance
Have you contacted them on the schedule change? If not, then definitely contact them now of any schedule change since transcripts need to match self-reported courses. Although Econ is an a-g course, it should not effect the MCA points received for your HS course rigor so it should have no impact. Always error on the side of caution and get your answer from admissions.
I have found the admissions email but is there a specific place to address schedule changes from those self-reported?
@ANewStudent2023 You are probably ok but call and get it in writing to cover all your bases. My son did the same thing two years ago - reported AP Macro Economics and AP Government as one year courses instead of one semesters ones. We called admissions and they told us to send an email explaining the discrepancy along with a current transcript showing his first semester grades and current/planned coursework and they would review his application. They did say, at the time, it could affect his admittance which was scary, but they got back to us in an email four days later saying since he had already met his Social Science and Elective requirements that it didn’t affect his admittance.
That’s a relief
I sent an email to admissions but haven’t heard back yet considering it is still the weekend. I’ll probably call them on Monday as well.
It’s just a little scary knowing I’ve already committed any paid money to a school that might reject me for a simple mistake
My S has accepted admission as well. Reading this thread prompted me to ask him to check if he did the same thing. He did it correctly, but found out that he forgot to report AP Environmental Science for senior year. Would this affect his admission? Thanks!
@CEngineer: Just send an email to admissions and let them know of the omission. Not a big deal just make sure you get an acknowledgement they received your email.
Thank you Gumbymom! He is writing an email now with unofficial transcript of fall semester attached. He will call admissions office tomorrow am as well.
Thank you very much for answering everyone 's questions and providing valuable information! I’ve learned a lot from reading your posts. 
Make sure you deposits checks clear before contacting the school. When you contact them make sure they are aware that you paid the deposits and the money has cleared your account. Offer acceptance and consideration. X