<p>I applied to Tufts EDII (I believe we're supposed to find out this friday?) and I just received an email from the IDOC (Institutional Documentation) service at CollegeBoard, which is a service through which universities request further financial aid documents from students. Apparently, Tufts is requesting that I send in some documents with a deadline of March 2nd. Now my question is, could this be a sign of acceptance/deference? if they rejected me then why would they request more documents?</p>
<p>i got one too... maybe its for all colleges? I think for EDII they actually dont want your IDOC or something like that because of its due date... i guess youll have to wait the 2 days with the rest of us haha</p>
IDOC - For Regular Admit (NOT Early Decision), new Transfer applicants, or Returning students (except those in R.E.A.L. program):
<p>Yes, I think it is for all applicants who submitted CSS. When you submit that, it tells you which colleges will be using IDOC and that you will get an email about how to submit tax documents in early February. RD got it too.</p>