<p>I'm filling out the housing form online through bannerweb and I thought I would be able to specify a specific house. It turns out that you rate six different regions of campus from 1-6. If I have my heart set on a specific house, can I write that in the section at the bottom that says, "Please share any additional information which you believe would be helpful in assigning you a roommate." I know this is geared toward the situation with roomates, but this seems to be the only spot available to specifically write that I would prefer the house that I really want. I realize that it would be insane to have everyone write their first choice because it isn't possible to give everyone their first choice but maybe I could sneak my preference into that box...?</p>
<p>That’s what I did on my form.</p>
<p>Did you end up with that house or are you going to be a first year?</p>
<p>I know of someone who requested a specific house and the request was honored because her reason was kinda like the rare brilliant applications essay.</p>
<p>If you don’t mind sharing, why are you set upon a particular house? I can see being set on a particular area—Quad, Green/Center, Lower Elm—but the reasons for a particular house, outside of “legacy” status, are elusive to me at the moment.</p>
<p>And if you think about it, because they don’t want to become inundated with requests for specific houses, which would make the whole house/roommate process more difficult than it now is, they won’t honor very many requests if they’re smart. They’re smart.</p>
<p>TD- Some houses, even within particular areas are better than others. For example you might have your heart set on Haven, but just by putting Center Campus you could just as easily be stuck in Cutter. Very different. Also not all houses are handicap accessible, they have a different number of residents, different number of singles v. doubles, etc. etc. etc. </p>
<p>And I wouldn’t give the housing office too much for intelligence. In my experience they’re panicky, disorganized, and overwhelmed. </p>
<p>Salyca, you can put in that you want a particular house in teh extra space on your form, in fact, that’s what I would recommend, but just know that there are no garauntees. No matter how “brilliant” or “rare” your reasoning is, people are assigned to houses based on availability and luck, in that order. They may honor your request, they may not, but it’s not something you have a lot of control over so all you can do is request, and then toss your form into the ring. </p>
<p>So good luck to you. And take comfort in the fact that if it doesn’t work out, you can always move houses the following year.</p>
<p>When I was an incoming student in 2004, I circled two houses on the form. No text supporting my reasons to live there – and no words indicating what the circles meant. I got into one of those houses. (I didn’t really think it would work.)</p>
<p>So sure, mention that you’d prefer a certain house. But don’t expect anything to come of it. :)</p>
<p>S&P, you remind me with a jolt (not a Jolt) that the Housing coordinator changed a while back. The old one was widely respected and ran a tight ship.</p>
<p>Handicap access is definitely a valid concern.</p>
<p>And heh about Cutter. I shudder at C-Z but then the people who live there—at least some I’ve met—fiercely defend them.</p>
<p>But as for one house in an area being better than another, I suspect that one person’s goulash is often another person’s stew. (And all that said, I have 3-4 houses that I, as a mere parent, like in particular for one reason or the other.)</p>
<p>One thing to bear in mind is that house chemistry almost inevitably changes over time, so that a house’s social reality may or may not conform to its reputation, in either direction.</p>
<p>Thanks everyone for responding. TD, I didn’t think I would have my heart set on any specific house but as I did some research…I have found myslef attached to Albright. I read the description not only on the Smith site, but I read an article that had been written about Albright in the online smithsophian. Traditions such as casino night and the “no talent show” are appealing (and some of the girls are on the corky side and tend to pull pranks apparently, according to the article). I know that every house has its own character and set of traditions, I just happen to like how the character of this specific house was described. </p>
<p>As for circling a specific house, this cannot be done The form is online so I would have to write my specification in the box at the bottom. Actually, I got a letter from Smith recently saying that housing forms will be coming in the mail in April, so maybe I should just wait to do it on paper instead of bannerweb.</p>
<p>Wait…are you filling out the Housing Decision Form on Bannerweb? Did they tell you to do that, because usually that Bannerweb form is for current students and incoming students fill out the paper form that comes with the rest of their student paperwork. If you haven’t received specific instructions to do the Bannerweb form, you might not want to submit it.</p>
<p>I didn’t receive specific intructions to fill out the form online so I guess i won’t. I just assumed that I was supposed to because it was available to me on Bannerweb. I’ll wait for the forms in the mail. Atleast now I can circle a specific house!</p>
<p>Salyca! You got me so excited! LOL</p>
<p>So everyone has to wait until April? Too bad. My bannerweb doesn’t allow me to go onto the housing form anyway.</p>
<p>Yeah, wait until April. You will get a big fat packet of forms that will keep you happy for several weeks getting physicals, and having passport photos taken, and all.</p>
<p>^LOL. I didn’t realize at the time that my ID photo would be used in the directory, so now I cringe every time someone calls me because I know they looked at it.</p>
<p>Sorry to interrupt the discussion here, but I was wondering something. I just got accepted EDII, and checked my Bannerweb account. Like the original poster, I have access to the housing assignment form online. I understand that I’m probably supposed to just wait for a packet, and won’t fill it out.</p>
<p>But, I did I agree to the housing agreement form on Bannerweb (that I agree to live on campus for the school year). Was this the wrong thing to do? Will it mess up any housing decisions made on my behalf?</p>
<p>It shouldn’t mess anything up on your behalf, it will just be disregarded, since you’re not enrolled yet. Those forms are available to everyone on Bannerweb for whatever reason (I’m a senior and even I can fill out next fall’s housing agreement), but they won’t be regarded for everything.</p>
<p>That’s good to know. Thank you for responding. =)</p>