Possible to Work Out?

<p>We have minicourses for cardio/yoga that might help you out.</p>

<p>I love pop tarts and brownies. They are junk tho. I hate my brain.</p>

<p>Hey happypoo,
Your friend was correct, you should do 3/10-15... and you r correct because you should do some light weight high reps. most improtantly, these light reps cant be like you can do them 100 times, you should be able to do them about 15 each set. The reason both of you r right is because you definition of high reps is different. In fact, especially for a guy, 10-15 is high reps. but even though your not lifting "hard" you still dont want to lift the same muscle two days in a row. The reasons for this are a little subtle but make sense... you see girls naturally produce less testostorone then guys (i know i know). The good news to that is that girls wont ever be looking like hulk hogan, even if you lift as heavy as you can, and cant get remotly big unless they take supplements, lift correctly, etc... the bad news is that it is a lot harder to repair muscle. So if you r lifting heavy (3x8 or less) then you want to ease up the number of days you r lifting. If you r doing 3x12 or more that is stanima range so you can do that as long as u take a break every 3 days or so. Also you should cardio after you lift, sounds wierd but the reason for this is that your body uses lots of glucose when you lift, and those stores r depleted after you run... this is y you dont feel like your lifting when you lift heavy weights, and that burn you feel is lactose building up (anaerobic). If you lift first, you will be able to lift more, and your run will burn more fat because your stores of sugar are already depleted. Also if you really want to get toned you have to understand two common misconceptions and one rule...</p>

<p>1.) you cant spot reduce (doing 1000 situps a day wont give u a 6pack if its under a layer of fat) your body removes fat from all over your body during a workout.
2.) you have to eat protien (the key to buliding muscle)
3.) watch as your body grows, shrinks, etc... If for some reason you r gaining to much muscle stop lifting for a week and run.</p>

<p>Also acceptedalreadys recommendation of yoga is great. Yoga is a great stanima and flexibility trainer and def tones your body. do this 3 times a week, run, and lift, and you'll be fine</p>

<p>Wow, thanks! I never knew all that! Maybe now by the time I get to college, I'll look nice and toned :). I don't have TOO much fat, so that's not much of a problem. I know girls can't become too buff, but I'm scared of massive swimmer shoulders.</p>

<p>Max-OT is a really good program to follow. <a href="http://www.freedomfly.net/Documents/MAX-OT.pdf%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.freedomfly.net/Documents/MAX-OT.pdf&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Don't be intimidated by the 150 page manual. Just read the first few sections to understand what's going on, then skip down to the weight routines. Works for me, my only problem is I don't eat incredible amounts of food - but I still see better gains with this program.</p>

<p>thats essentially the point... 1-2 muscle grps... heavy sets</p>

<p>still taking in the calories is the only way lol</p>