Possible Transfer

<p>I'm possibly looking at transferring out of my current academic situation for Fall 2012. I'm currently enrolled at University of Chicago, but despite the academic prestige that initially lured me into attending, the social scene is not exactly what I had hoped at all.</p>

<p>My high school stats were very good and I got into Madison applying as a high school senior last year. 34 ACT, 3.99 GPA, solid SAT II scores, a fair amount of extracurriculars. My first quarter at UChicago wasn't the best academic wise--a 2.13 GPA; getting a D in one of my classes sunk the GPA down quite a bit.</p>

<p>Anyone know if it's still very likely that I'd be able to get in for next fall semester? Thanks!</p>

<p>Look at the application deadlines- for new students it is February 1st and possibly later for transfers. Hustle and get aall needed materials in soon. Your HS record may save you despite your college gpa- it doesn’t hurt to try.</p>

<p>If you can raise your GPA to a 3.0, which is the “soft” minimum given by the admissions office (the average transfer GPA is 3.4), I’d think you’d be good to go given your high school record and ACT score. Even if you came in a bit below a 3.0, since you’re taking classes at a school like Chicago (as opposed to most transfer students, who are at branch schools or community colleges) you’d probably have a good chance. Even though your ACT score isn’t required to be sent in and it’s usually not worth sending it in, in your case I definitely would.</p>