Possible Transfer

<p>Is this realistic?</p>

<p>30 Units completed
3.0-3.2(Depending how I finish this semester)
5 W's
1 F(Electronic error. I had dropped it, but there was some sort of mix up. Never got real help from the records people in fixing it. I retook the course and passed with a B)
Out of State(Maybe they will want the extra tuition)</p>

<p>I know people make similar posts constantly, but they seam so absurd. It's mostly people with 4.0s, huge SATs, plus flashy extracurricular activities who just want reassurance from everyone. I need real input please. I know it says the base requirement is a 2.5, but how bad will my W's affect me, etc? I've been working 60 hour weeks since I graduated from high school which is why so many W's came into play. On the other hand, is work experience relevant when it comes to applying. Thanks in advance to anyone reading and posting. I would really love to attend Purdue.</p>

<p>Where are you transferring from? What major do you want to transfer into? I think we need some more info before anyone can help.</p>

<p>Hey Frank. I wanted to transfer into the hospitality management program. It's listed as full right now so I was just going to choose the undergraduate studies program and hopefully squeeze in the following year. I have 5 years of experience at a 4 diamond resort and am a certified sommelier.</p>

<p>purduefrank are you a current student at Purdue? i wa soffered admission as a transfer student (engineering) and I would like to ask you a few questions , if you don't mind, about housing (where to apply) and student life. do you like Purdue?
Thanks a lot</p>


<p>Well I really don’t have a lot of knowledge about that program. I would say that your plan sounds reasonable. </p>


<p>Yes, I am a current student. What kind of housing are you looking for?… I do like Purdue. As far as school wise I have no complaints really, except for the large number of foreign professors who speak horrible English and put you to sleep - that does kind of get to me. Other than that, I like the school a lot. As far as life outside of school, when the weather is nice times are great, but the winter time gets monotonous. Perhaps this winter was especially bad, but all I know is that it sucked for me lol. I love the sunshine, and Indiana leaves something to be desired in that department.</p>

<p>Hey purduefrank, sorry for taking so long to reply, I just couldn't find the threat! I am definitely attending Purdue this fall, transfering from Indianapolis university, so I am used to the cold weather.Don't know much about housing, maybe something near the Engineering college, one not with a lot of freshmen (I am 20 ) and not too expensive .Appreciate any help.</p>

<p>I would NOT go to Purdue for Hospitality and Tourism Management. I got accepted to it last year and was in the program last fall. The classes are retarted, the faculty is stupid, advisors are of no help at all along with the advisors at the College of Family and Consumer Sciences. I paid out of state tuition and it all went to waste this past year go to some other school or go into Krannert. I'm not bashing Purdue, but their HTM/CFS department/school.</p>

<p>Its all good Jim. Thanks for the input. I am very familiar with the program at UNLV(my back up) which looks incredible. I know people in the program there and have had a couple tours. It's in the top 5 in the country. Seeing as Purdue is ranked 1st(aside from Cornell obviously), I thought I would try my luck. UNLV is still very much an option for me, as well as Denver. If you have the time please elaborate on everything you brought up. Thanks dude.</p>

<p>Okay so it's your decision. But if you want more elaboration then here it goes. </p>

<p>The classes were just a waste of time. The professors would basically just talk about some other topic such as about their wife or past job experiences. There are some who just leave the room and have guest speakers come in and speak to us. The guy who would leave would keep on saying to us that attendance was very important. However, he only showed up in the end of class to shake the guest speakers hand and take a picture with the dude while giving the guy some diploma for speaking. Classes were just listening to speakers and just listen to random stuff. One professor in general can't even spell. This goes to how stupid classes and the faculty are. </p>

<p>The advisor I had was of no help. All she does is ask me what classes I want to do and she just signs off my paper and writes my PIN number inwhich is needed to register for classes. When I thought of CODOing I basically knew more about it than her. She just whined and mumbled while she was finding how the process is to CODO into Engineering. She wouldn't listen to a problem I had with a specific professor, all she did was defend her fellow co-worker. She gave me an attitude the whole semester, inwhich ****ed me off since I did nothing to her or give her an attitude. </p>

<p>Since my advisor wasn't listening I thought going to the other advisor would not be worth it. So I went to the CFS Dean's Office, and they wouldn't listen to me. They defintely knew that I was really upset of a specific reason but wouldn't even spend a minute with me. Since that, I basically just switched into USP and the advisor there actually spent hours with me advising. I would defintely go somewhere else. BTW, the HTM area has no real ranking. This ranking of Purdue was also like 8 years ago, theres no real way of ranking colleges for their HTM department except for the average starting salary of the graduates in the school. I know that UNLV's classes are like a high school class but I'd go somewhere else if you want to do HTM. </p>

<p>I wanted to do HTM since 7th grade but since taking the classes on HTM here and facing all this stuff I just said eff it. But good look on your decision.</p>