Possibly failing because of really hard professor in weed-out course?

<p>I need a suggestion right now about what I can do about having a really hard professor. Normally Gen Chem is considered a weed-out course at my school, but to make matters worse, I unfortunately got paired with one of the hardest chem professors at my school. I asked students around, including upperclassmen, and based on looking at the work given between different classes and the average GPA between professors, my professor is significantly harder than the others. My professor moves at an absurdly fast pace and her test questions are hard and graded severely harshly (Heck I've lost 20 points on an exam once because of plugging in a wrong value, despite everything else being correct). Her whole class is also purely based on tests. Only a few kids are doing well in the class, and I'm pretty sure the reason they are is just because they came from schools with really strong chem backgrounds, which I didn't really have.</p>

<p>My grade is predicted to be around border-line failing and I have no clue how I can pick it up. I've already tried asking the tutoring center, yet while they did offer some help, they too did not really even know how to solve some of the questions on my exams. I have tried KhanAcademy and Youtube, but even the videos don't go into the dept that he goes into for each topic. I have not gone to office hours yet, but the reason is because my professor's is foreign and knowing him and his English, I don't think he would be able to explain it very well.</p>

<p>I still have 2 exams left for the semester both of which are each worth 25% of my grade. Does anyone have a suggestion on approaching this situation?</p>

<p>Post in the Chem Department if they have a message board looking for a tutor from the junior or senior chem majors. You will have to pay, but it could salvage your grade.</p>