Post if you get your pop up!

<p>C'mon guys, I wish you all well, let's get started ,as soon as the first hears it, post your first "I am Popped Up"
I hope we all get popped up</p>

<p>i like this thread!</p>

<p>I like it too!</p>

<p>yup i'm sooo nervous and excited!!!</p>

<p>I talked to my daughter's admissions counselor this morning and she confirmed that letters will be mailed and MyUM will be updated on Tuesday. So just relax this weekend. No news is no news.</p>

<p>Thank you for your information, although relaxing....
Good luck to your daughter</p>

<p>So only 5 more days!</p>

<p>I'm so excited...I hope MyUM says "Congratulations, You're A 'Cane!"</p>

<p>if we dont get pop ups we can still get deferred. there will still be hope ha.</p>

<p>ha ha, that would be interesting, like in Binghamton, where hardly anyone got in, everyone I know got deferred.
Let's think positive! Go Canes</p>

<p>does anybody know what time UM will update for EA online. Should we check for the 'pop-up' tomarrrow am or pm. Our family is sooooooo nervous. We are all staying busy today...........</p>

<p>im wondering the same thing. everytime i think about it i feel sick ha. im so nervous because UM is a reach for me. I'll be so upset if i dont get a pop up. ahh i just want it to be over already!</p>

<p>It is a reach for our daughter too! It is her 'dream' school.</p>

<p>its my dream school too. ha i feel exactly the same way as your daughter. good luck!</p>

<p>yeah i was wondering about that too.. i hope they will have a popup tomorrow. i'll be checking befre, after, and during school to see if it ever shows up. basically me an all my friends applied there so we're hopingwe get in !!!</p>

<p>Yeah Miami is a reach for me as well. Hopefully the pop up will come at Midnight.</p>

<p>yea i think its a reach for me too. my cume gpa is around a 3.3-3.4 weighted. i have everything except gpa so im hopin i get in</p>

<p>what's our theory that pop ups will come at midnight?</p>

<p>ha i doubt it.. holiday today so it'll be up probably tmorow morning around 8 or in the afternoon.... grrrr but is it really official that there will be popups? i dnt want to keep checking and not see anythingand think that i didnt get in when i really did...</p>

<p>I'll call admissions this am...for pop-up update...none for my daughter this early am.....ugh....the stress is too is a reach school for her. 3.57 GPA (Unweighted) some EC's and volunteer...she had an interview...then applied...her dad and I think she is really going to be bummed ! Comfort food for supper tonight....and plenty of kleenex....I wish the pop-up was for everyone....and stated the status not just congrats...I'll call admissions at eight sharp !!!!!</p>

<p>Here is the link to how the pop up thing worked two years ago:</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>