<p>So I just finished finals....and I am insanely worried about bio and math. Its gotten to the point where I am listing things I know I missed to try to figure out my grade. Then, after doing that I start doubting myself and think "oh I mightve missed that too" and its making me soo annoyed and depressed. </p>
<p>I am glad that finals are over no doubt...but this is just ridiculous and worst thing is, I can't help it. Is there anyone who does this (or am i just wierd) and how do you stop yourself or do you?</p>
<p>Forget about it… </p>
<p>Like anything you ever do like testing, SATs, APs, College applications, thinking about it changes nothing, and forgetting is the best solution… </p>
<p>If you start having those thoughts, block them out for 20 seconds. It’s enough to break down most short term memory circuits… (hopefully)</p>
<p>i know, but it is easier said than done. i hate how this always happens to me…im nervous before tests, during, and after…it NEVER ends. ahhhh!</p>
<p>There are two ways to deal with this</p>
<li><p>Assume the best. If you’re a good student, you’ll have little to worry about most of the time, and when you finally get the results your confidence will be confirmed. If not, you can deal with reality when it gets there.</p></li>
<li><p>Assume the worst. If you conclude you have a lower grade than you want and really come to expect it, the bad news shouldn’t hurt too much. Obviously, good news would be fantastic.</p></li>
<p>i always list the things i missed to predict my grade. usually i just low-ball my predictions so i can’t be disappointed when the results come back.</p>
<p>I do that too. Then I put my estimated grade into my final grade and determine if I’ll still have an A. I do that obsessively. My spanish grade is the one I’m most worried about. I have a 93.1 and I need a 94 for an A. I am praying to god that I got an A on my final.</p>
<p>I tend to be a worry wart as well. Try distracting yourself with something else. Go out with friends, do some other work, watch TV, RELAX. Remember, the test is over and done with and there’s nothing you can change about how you did. No sense in worrying over it!</p>
<p>Haha I calculated the lowest possible I could get on my finals and still get an A. Really haul *** during the normal semester. That way, you could potentially get a B or C (or possibly D if grade inflation is present) and still get an A in the class. It does wonders for your relaxation during an exam (“Eh I’m not worried. I can get a 70 and still have an A”).</p>
<p>also, my school only puts your final year-end grade on your official transcript. so even if i mess up on a midterm and get an A- for the first semester, i still have a shot at a year end A. this keeps me from getting too stressed this time of year.</p>
<p>Don’t worry, I always do the same thing. I’m actually worrying about my algebra midterm right now, wondering if I get an 89 or 90 for the term. Good tips above!</p>
<p>Definitely work really hard during the school year to keep your grades as high as possible because that REALLY takes the stress off of finals. I know people who worry about getting a 98 or something to keep their A because they have a 88 or something. And it’s really stressful because getting a 95+ on finals is really tough (at least at my school)</p>
<p>I tried really hard to bring my grade up as high as possible and when I calculated what I needed to get on my finals, the highest grade I needed was like a 78%…the rest of my classes…I could get even lower scores.
Didn’t even have to worry about finals. </p>
<p>And I don’t really have finals next semester (AP exams or projects/essays or we take them before the AP exam) so no more worrying about my final bringing my grade down…</p>
<p>Yeah, I was pretty much stressing out after Finals too. Fortunately, I managed to keep all of my “A’s!” I’m sure you’ll be fine as well. Think happy thoughts!</p>