<p>Okay, bummed the idea off the E-forum here. </p>
<p>Anyways, assume a moderate-prestige public or private uni with these GPA's. This is just for fun, and please, NO TROLLING (this means you, Hmom5). I thought this might be cool as a reference benchmark for future B-majors like myself.</p>
<p>EDIT- Assume a common major like Accounting, Management, or Finance. We're not psycho-analyzing here.</p>
<p>I would say for a moderate public Uni.
4.0 - 3.5 = The Big 4.
3.4 - 3.0 - The IRS
2.9 - 2.5 - CPA for a small firm in a small city
2.4 - 2.0 - Bookkeeper
Below - sanitation engineer.</p>
<p>Also, I think PachB is talking about a little above average school. Not high-prestige, but I doubt someone from a moderate school will be getting a big 4 job with a GPA of 3.5, especially since the big 4 are now only hiring more than just a few from just the top accounting schools.</p>
<p>The big 4 don’t really look at just GPA. They want to see that there is more to you than just excelling at academics. You could still get a job with a 3.5 if you have other things on your resume.</p>
<p>^ I’m talking about how accounting programs out of the top 10 or 20 are only seeing a handful of big 4 offers, which would probably go to someone with more than a 3.5. I suppose it would be possible if you had something amazing on your resume; anything is possible.</p>
<p>Many of the big 4 recruiters I’ve talked to always mention the importance of community involvement/clubs/work experience. They’ve told me that they dont want to just see 4.0 gpa kids who just sit in their rooms studying all day because you especially need social skills when it comes to auditing.</p>
<p>It’s mainly about GPA. If you got a high GPA, chances are you were able to find an internship in the summer prior. ALL GPA don’t let anyone make excuses and tell you otherwise.</p>
<p>Well, it depends on the firm and their requirements. At my school each Big Four has a different requirement depending on what position you are applying for; Audit, Tax, ect…</p>
<p>KPMG- minimum is 3.3
PWC- minimum is 3.45
Deloitte- minimum 3.3
Ernst and Young- minimum 3.5</p>
<p>Couple of my friends have landed jobs with the big four with their gpa just at the minimum. Again, this is based on what I have seen on my career center’s website where we upload our resumes and cover letters to apply, it might be different for other schools.</p>
<p>^What school did your friends attend? Does school prestige really matter in obtaining a job at one of these firms? Will LAC graduates be given consideration along with undergrad B-majors?</p>
<p>We all attend DePaul University in Chicago, IL. In my opinion, an accounting degree is an accounting degree. You learn the same topics in accounting in just about every college. However, a school’s reputation will give you a slight advantage coming straight from college because most of the big four firm’s come directly to campuses to recruit every year.</p>