Post Your Essays For Future Applicants

<p>Anderson Cooper’s coverage of Haiti was awesome. and no worries, i did my national history day project on WWII propaganda so you aren’t alone, haha x)</p>

<p>yea…and i loveeee sanjay gupta too…idk but i think he is sexy…sorry if im being a creeper :)</p>

<p>I’m sorry if I ruined your essay, which I don’t think I did :). Great essay, very candid, skillful use of vocabulary and grammar. Your good news are on their way to arrive tomorrow.</p>

<p>haha u didn’t ruin it…i just find it really funny that you were the first poster and u did what i said not to do…not to worry you gave me a good laugh :)</p>

<p>wow this has gotten a lotttt of hits</p>

<p>Alright, it’s a delicate topic and I was wary about posting it, but…here goes! THE THINGS I DO FOR YOU GUYS! Haha jk. Dashed out words indicate where he came from or personal details about his family. </p>

<p>We Had To Stop</p>

<p>I met a man in Beijing last year. He was —, wore simple clothes, and strung along a couple kids. After giving a balloon I had to the ----year-old, I sat down to talk to him. It began as a friendly chat, in the variety of ‘are you enjoying Beijing yes I am thank you what about you’ etc. But I was curious—you didn’t often see foreigners around here. </p>

<p>I’m here for my children, he said with an accent. We moved from —. </p>

<p>Oh, I said. </p>

<p>Perhaps that was incentive to go on, because he then continued to talk about his old home.</p>

<p>We had a garden—we planted strawberries there, he said quietly. My wife—her eyes are —, you know, very unusual—loved them. But then our neighbor was bombed and we had to stop. </p>

<p>The way he said that—as if talking about the weather—shook me. I mean, you read something about the Middle East in the news and feel bad, but it’s still so far away. Listening to the man—who I never exchanged names with but met several times with to talk by the community swingset where his kids played—was always a strange and unsettling experience. He would give long, rambling speeches on peace and war, heavy topics to talk to a stranger about. And I could only listen and understand and open my eyes. </p>

<p>Have a candy, he said one day, holding out a yellow piece. </p>

<p>I was hesitant to take it—stranger danger and all that—but then he shook his head and said, </p>

<p>Please. It’s polite where I come from.</p>

<p>His kids ran over to get some too, and at that moment he smiled. And that was when I realized, watching him fold candy into his childrens’ palms, that still, even in struggle, you could find beauty.</p>

<p>wow thats amazing</p>

<p>Gosh your essays…are so amazing 8D I’ve promised, and I always keep my promises.</p>

<p>What is my favorite word and why?</p>

<p>No, it’s not ‘happiness’, not ‘willpower’, not ‘responsibility’. My favorite word is extremely common, yet rather unnoticed for its value. It influences how happy you are, how eager you are to attain your goals, and how much responsibility you have – well, the actual list is infinite. </p>

<p>A few describe this word as an ingenious element within ourselves which controls us subconsciously, while my dictionary’s definition is the aggregate of all conscious and unconscious processes originating in and associated with the brain. </p>

<p>Four letters, tons of meanings.</p>

<p>Guess what? It’s ‘MIND’.</p>

<p>I favor this word because it’s abstract, neither positive nor negative. It moves along according to the person who uses it; MIND can be the source of the biggest successes or the greatest destructions. </p>

<p>The mind has shaped individuals, famous or infamous leaders, the greatest scientists and humanitarians, and the biggest failures, too. It created the Red Cross organization, the Renaissance period, pyramids, ‘e = mc2’, nuclear bombs, Disneyland, sonatas, the Glass House Effect, Nazism, and so on.</p>

<p>Through the power of mind, the society has developed from isolated primitive tribes to the present advanced world. The curiosity of mind also triggered the numerous expeditions to the remotest parts of the world and even other planets – Christopher Columbus would not have sailed and discovered America, had it not been due to his inquisitive mind. However, humans have also wrongly used the power of mind to provoke and create crimes and wars, from the battles in Ancient Mediterranean to World War 2.<br>
That is why, in an odd way, this word MIND fascinates me.</p>

<p>Imagine a word so complex yet simple, a word which covers a lot of things, a word so difficult to decipher. ‘MIND’ is not only about brain; it is BEYOND that. Mind is indescribable. How can a word have such great impact, both negative and positive? How can all our feelings, be it happiness, determination, greed, jealousy, be controlled by our minds? How can this small inner core of our brain shape the past, build the present, and determine the future in such an enigmatic way? </p>

<p>Because of its mystery, mind has been the subject of endless studies to better understand how it works – how those electrical pulses and chemical reactions result in decision or action.</p>

<p>I want to continue studying the accomplishments of great minds in the past, to better cultivate the potential of my own mind, and to understand these key questions that amaze me. And in doing so, I want to get a better understanding of this race that has created so much harm and so much good through the history of its existence– the race of which I am part of.</p>

<p>It’s for Exeter. I’m rejected :slight_smile:
I WAS rather disappointed, not because of the rejection, but more that this is my best essay, and I put weeks of efforts on it.</p>

<p>Btw, thesaurus is my best friend lol XD</p>

<p>Tuesdays, your essay has to be the most moving essay I’ve eve read. Wow. Totally better than the Harvard one, if I may say so.</p>

<p>Candidate, great topic! And GREAT connection between then and now.</p>

<p>Monochrome, I’m amazed you got rejected with that word :stuck_out_tongue: I believe in one of my essays I also used the word imagination or dream or something of the sort as my ‘word’.</p>

<p>i have another andover essay that i thought is really good, but its really personal and i prefer to not post or pm it</p>

<p>people can any of you please teach me how to write amazing application essays :)</p>

<p>revising over and over and over again andover haha …also, i try to vary my sentence structure, that way it’s more interesting…feel genuine and honest about what you write!</p>

<p>I do feel genuine about Bali! seriously! Have any of you guys visited that island?
It’s literally a paradise on earth.
Sunshines all year long, sexy surfer guys, greatest pizzas on earth,</p>

<p>and the most unique culture!!!</p>

<p>???did you right an essay bout that?lol</p>

<p>yeah lol About what topic whould I want to choose for my research.</p>

<p>And I chose Bali. Cause it’s simply amazing. Beyond mere words :D</p>

<p>My Andover essay! this actually isn’t my favorite, I preferred the essay on CTY I wrote and sent to exeter, but it was a little too personal for the internet. Not my best, but it got the point across :smiley: Anyway, I’ll probably take this down at some point later, but for now I’m giddy enough to post it.</p>

<p>"A poster on the door of the math class where I’ve spent an hour every day since fifth grade proclaims a well-known metaphor: “Give a man a fish, feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, feed him for a lifetime.” It made sense the first time I read it. But one recent experience has made me question its truth.</p>

<p>Last March, I traveled 1500 miles south, to Haiti, a small, impoverished country of proud people who fought for and won their freedom from French slave-owners, earning self-respect. I spent a week there with a friend whose family founded <hospital name=“”>, which provides medical care for the impoverished people in the <valley name=“”> valley of central Haiti. My experiences there were not what I expected, and had a large effect on my perspective on the world and its less developed countries. Placed in an unfamiliar situation, one in which I was clearly the outsider, I came to understand a lot about the culture and uniqueness of Haiti.</valley></hospital></p>

<p>The Haitians do not want you to simply give them a fish. Even teaching them how to fish can be improved upon. A more beneficial way to help would be to show people how to build a fishing rod from materials readily available to them, relieving them from dependency upon other, more developed countries, and presenting a fully sustainable solution. In other words, by pouring in money instead of motivating the people to make a difference for themselves, developed countries are creating a dependency that is counterproductive. </p>

<p>For several days, I worked with the <reforestation project=“” name=“”>, which works to restore the once forested landscape and improve the nutrition and health of humans in the <valley name=“”> valley. <project leader=“” name=“”>, an ecologist leading the team, explains the rewards of growing different types of trees to local farmers and motivates them to build nurseries on their land, which are checked by <project name=“”> for scientific purposes (such as to discover the optimal conditions for tree growth for future nurseries). In motivating the farmers to assist themselves and helping them to be independent, <project leader=“” and=“” project=“” names=“”> are extremely successful in remedying the problem of deforestation and helping Haitians restore their soil so they can feed themselves.</project></project></project></valley></reforestation></p>

<p>This third level of the metaphor, the fully sustainable solution, is relevant not only in Haiti, where it is important to respect the pride of the people and their independence, but in other places and in life, in general, as well. Many people from well-developed countries subconsciously see those of less developed countries as inferior without even realizing it, which is completely untrue. Haitians have their own unique culture, one that demands our respect. They do not want our pity. While, as a younger child, I was sure of the accuracy of the fish metaphor, Haiti has made me question such simplistic beliefs."</p>

<p>I also attached a link to a blog we made about our trip.</p>

<p>lord, somehappynews. No wonder you got accepted. That essay’s straightforward, yet remained mysterious (at least for me), and it did send your point accross.</p>

<p>My Andover’s essay is nothing compared to yours. :)</p>


<p>thanks MonochromeAddict! that made me smile.
honestly, it must really suck to not know at this point and have everyone else getting decisions. good luck, and hope to see you next year!!</p>

<p>I’m not going to post any of my waitlisted essays until I’m either accepted or I time out lol, otherwise they could still possibly stalk me o_O</p>

<p>monochrome, that was a really intelligent essay and i have no idea why they didn’t accept you! D= and somehappynews, that essay was really unique. you totally deserve getting into andover 8D</p>