<p>Eleven Seconds</p>
<p>Atlas Shrugged, Fountainhead, We the Living, Ragtime.</p>
<p>1984, Slaughterhouse-Five, A Man Without a Country. The Catcher in the Rye.</p>
<p>difficult to choose only one...</p>
<p>Steinbeck's East of Eden, DH Lawrence's Sons and Lovers, Joyce's Ulysses, Kerouac's Dharma Bums</p>
<p>Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, The Color Purple by Alice Walker and Charly by Daniel Keyes</p>
<p>Overall: probably Atlas Shrugged</p>
<p>In recent reading: The Winter of Our Discontent</p>
<p>One Hundred Years of Solitude</p>
<p>"Mine is Catch-22!"</p>
<p>FO' SHO' !!! That book is a masterpiece. I'm so in love with it that I jump up and down and dance at the slightest thought of its content. GAHHhlskdfkj1!! It's so good that it makes me want to speak gibberish! =)</p>
<p>I know!!!!!!!!! best book ever!</p>
<p>slaughterhouse-five, animal farm, the satanic verses</p>
<p>The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy</p>
<p>Can't be topped. (Yay Tritium!)</p>
<p>Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides.</p>
<p>yah hitchhikers guide to the galaxy and then "the good earth" by Pearl S. Buck</p>
<p>The Great Gatsby.</p>
<p>yeah i forgot about middlesex, that was a very good book.</p>
<p>the great gatsby was good</p>
<p>As I Lay Dying. <3</p>
Overall: probably Atlas Shrugged
That book is great if you don't mind 1064 pages of size 6~ font.</p>
<p>The Cat In The Hat, America by John Stewart, Captain Underpants, and the novelization of the movie Lost In Space (the awesome remake featuring Lacey Chabert and Matt Le Blanc)</p>
<p>haha i second Captain Underpants</p>