Post your next year's schedule!

<p>Since this is CC, I expect just about everyone has an idea what classes they're taking next year...</p>

<p>I just found out that my school approved my 3 online APs for next year!! I'm the first/only person to request to take them (no precedent at all), and I'm in WI, so we don't have anything like FLVS.</p>

<p>GC/Administration/Curriculum Director were debating about it for almost a month, so I had given up hope that they would approve them. Then, on Friday, my GC talked to me in the hall on my way to gym telling me that they approved the classes!</p>

<p>I now officially don't hate my school!!</p>

<p>So, my senior schedule now looks like this:</p>

<p>DE Calculus 2
DE Calculus 3
DE General Physics 1 (Calc based :) and taking AP Physics C test for)
DE General Physics 2 (ditto)
AP English Lit (online)
AP Psychology (online)
AP Macroeconomics (online - likely take Micro test also)
Symphonic Band (hopefully won't have time conflict with DE classes)
2-3 Random Other Easy HS Classes (just for fun)</p>

<p>So, now that I have celebrated ;), post your own schedule!</p>

<p>ap calc bc
ap gov
ap eng
ap physics
ap art history
french 5</p>


<p>junior schedule:
Pre-Calc (maybe AP Calc AB)
AP Chem
AP US History
AP Euro History
AP English Lang
AP Econ (Micro/Macro)
Spanish 4</p>

<p>Even though I won’t be in high school… I don’t want to miss out on these things lol. </p>

<p>RCAH= Residential College in the Arts and Humanities
ANP= Anthropology
SPN= Spanish
ISS= Social Studies </p>

<p>RCAH 111: Writing in Transcultural Contexts
RCAH 201: Transcultural Relations through the Ages
RCAH 192: First-year Seminar
ANP 201: Sociocultural diversity
SPN 201 (or 202 or 301 depending on placement)</p>

<p>RCAH 112: Writing, Research, and Technologies
RCAH 202: The Presence of the Past
ANP 202: Biocultural Evolution
SPN 202 (or 301 or 302 depending on placement)
ISS 310: People and Environment</p>

<p>I’m so ready for college :)</p>

<p>I will be a junior in high school. My school only has a total of 5 AP classes, but the non-APs are just as challenging, if not more</p>

<p>-Language Usage & grammar (to prepare for SAT and ACT-english was my weakest section in the pre tests)
-Trends in 20th Century lit honors
-American Experience (this or African American experience required)
-Middle East Area Study(at least one area study required)
-Accelerated math physics
-AP Computer Science
-Spanish 4
-Intro to economics
-CPR (one gym class required)</p>

<p>1.The Phallus
2. ‘Queer Musicology’
3. ‘Taking Marx Seriously’
4. ‘Adultery Novel’
5. ‘Blackness’
6. ‘Border Crossings, Borderlands: Transnational Feminist Perspectives on Immigration’
7. ‘Whiteness: The Other Side of Racism’
8. ‘Native American Feminisms’
9. '“Mail Order Brides?”
10. ‘Cyberfeminism’
11. ‘American Dreams/American Realities’
12. ‘Nonviolent Responses to Terrorism’</p>

<p>[The</a> 12 Most Bizarre College Courses in the US - The New Editor](<a href=“Welcome -”></p>

<p>Senior Schedule:</p>

<p>AP Biology
AP English Literature
AP United States Government
AP Calculus AB
Honors Physics
Anatomy + Psyiology</p>

<p>Bleh, one of these again.</p>

<p>It’s either going to be:
-Computer tech
-Norse Mythology
-Us history
-Random elective</p>

French III H
AP English Language
AP Calc BC
AP U.S. History
AP Physics
AP Art History/AP Stats
AP Chem (online)</p>

<p>definitely crappy compared to most people here, but it’s not like I care.</p>

<p>Junior next year. :]</p>

<p>AP Physics
AP Calculus BC
AP English Language
AP American History
AP American Government (independently)
AP Comparative Government (independently)
Spanish III
Newspaper Production
Concert Choir</p>


<p>independently, as in self-study?</p>

<p>Anyways, I’m gonna be a junior too.</p>

<p>Math 32
Physics 1
PIC 10</p>

<p>Math 220
Physics 2934


world history</p>

<p>If everything goes according to plan…</p>

<p>A-Level Biology
A-Level History
A-Level Chemistry
A-Level Maths
AS-Level English Literature
AP Art History
AP Computer Science
French IV Honors
Study Hall</p>

<p>Advanced Differential Equations (DE)
…and something else? Dunno.</p>

<p>Sigh. Another one of these. Senior:</p>

<p>IB English IV
IB Physics II
IB 20th Century Topics
IB Spanish
AP Environmental Science
AP Chemistry
IB Theory of Knowledge
Calculus III
Differential Equations
Linear Algebra</p>

AP Chem (double period everyday)
AP Calc (AB or BC? idk yet)
High Honors English
Health/ SAT Prep
AP Spanish</p>

<p>AP English
AP Gov
AP Calc</p>

<p>and 3 bs classes. cooking?</p>

<p>Junior schedule:</p>

<p>AP English III
AP US History
AP Psychology / Sociology
AP Spanish IV
Pre-AP Physics
Algebra II

<p>Senior Schedule:</p>

<p>AP Physics B
AP Chem
AP Eng Lit
AP French
AP World Hist
Chamber Orchestra
AP Psych (self study)
Depending on how my schedule works, maybe multivariable calc at a local uni. If I didn’t have a full schedule, the district would pay for it, but whatevs. Cheapos.</p>


<p>AP Calculus BC
French 5
Symphonic Band
AP Economics
AP Physics
AP Language Arts</p>


<p>AP Statistics
<em>gym classes</em>
Symphonic Band
AP US Government
AP Chemistry
AP Literature</p>

<p>Junior (projected):
AP Art History
AP Spanish Language
AP Chemistry
AP US History
Honors Pre-Calculus
AP English Language</p>

<p>Senior (projected):
Honors Senior Seminar
AP Biology
AP American Government/ Honors Economics
AP Calculus AB
AP English Literature</p>

<p>i wanted to take it easy senior year so im deciding against doubling up on science and taking AP Physics B</p>