Post your portfolio!

<p>Post a link to your portfolio if you have it online, or several links!
Also, post what schools you have applied to and for what major.</p>

<p>Doesn't matter what medium your port. is, just post post post! :)</p>

<p>Ok, I’ll go first, hehe</p>

<p>This isn’t my “portfolio” but a link to my dA site : [amostcuriousfae</a> on deviantART](<a href=“http://amostcuriousfae.■■■■■■■■■■■■■■%5Damostcuriousfae”>http://amostcuriousfae.■■■■■■■■■■■■■■)</p>

<p>Most of it was taken to National Portfolio Day a month ago, and I was accepted to SAIC and CCS.</p>

<p>Still have to apply to SVA, Pratt, and MICA, and I have about 5 new pieces that aren’t on dA yet.</p>

<p>I’m a transfer student, so my portfolio is mostly conceptual, illustrative work. I’ll be majoring in Illustration/Art Education.</p>

<p>Come on guys, I want to see peoples portfolios!</p>

<p>you could follow the same format done at conceptart:</p>

<p>where are you applying to - if you already received an answer which schools accepted you and did they reward you some sort of scholarship</p>

<p>then post your portfolio.</p>

<p>I’ll def post mine after the decisions come in.</p>

<p>hi, I applied to SCAD and am just waiting for what is hopefully (and probably, it seems…) the accepted letter. I’ll post my flickr account link below; the page has many of the pieces I’m using for my portfolio but I’m choosing different things for different schools and some aren’t there. keep in mind this isn’t all the best stuff but I would love critique of any kind! the NPD line was incredibly long so no one has really given me feedback.</p>

<p>[portfolio</a> - a set on Flickr](<a href=“http://www.■■■■■■■■■■/photos/30950474@N08/sets/72157608702117460/]portfolio”>http://www.■■■■■■■■■■/photos/30950474@N08/sets/72157608702117460/)</p>


<p>yeah i’ll post after decisions</p>

<p>none of mine are digitized yet but i have a question-- It’s a bad idea to submit a copy of a work, right? (for example a copy of Starry Night by Van Gogh, etc.) I wasn’t planning on doing this but I heard that one of my friends is so I’m wondering…</p>

<p>are you serious? lol.</p>

<p>That is pretty much the worst idea I’ve ever heard, no offense to your friend.</p>

<p>Here’s some stuff I have on flickr. I’m currently working on doing figure drawing and observational stuff, though. </p>

<p>[school</a> portfolio - a set on Flickr](<a href=“http://www.■■■■■■■■■■/photos/snotferatu/sets/72157607893661390/]school”>old school portfolio | Flickr)</p>

<p>Oh, yeah, I forgot to mention that I’m applying to CalArts, CCA, SAIC, Pratt, SVA, and RISD. </p>

<p>If I get into CalArts (which is highly unlikely) I’d be majoring in Experimental Animation. If I get into CCA, SAIC, Pratt, SVA, or RISD, I’d be majoring in Illustration. :)</p>

<p>Ahh, I love your stuff! That was me who just favorited like 5 works in your portfolio. :)</p>

<p>Hey, thank you! I see you’re also from Texas, that’s awesome. </p>

<p>What schools are you applying to, brokenapertures?</p>

<p>In order of preference: SVA, Pratt, FIT, SAIC, UMich, SCAD, UTexas, and a couple other back-up schools. I decided I didn’t want to do RISD’s hometest. I’m not too hot at drawing. ;)</p>

<p>Snotferatu- you have a darn good chance at CalArts if I do say so myself. You should try visiting [Animatedbuzz</a> Forums :: Index](<a href=“]Animatedbuzz”> and look at their portfolios as that’s a CalArts animation geared forum. </p>

<p>This is my portfolio for Character Animation at CalArts (I’m deferred so I’m already in) The first 5 pieces or so are from my last year’s acceptance. </p>

<p>[ValArts</a> [deux]: If I could make a super portfolio…](<a href=“]ValArts”></p>

<p>I may also apply for experimental with the same portfolio if I have time to.</p>

<p>Aw, thank you Kaii. Your portfolio is simply AMAZING! :]</p>

<p>And congrats on getting accepted to CalArts’ character animation program!</p>

<p>haha i changed my mind. this is not exactly my portfolio that i am turning in, but this is some of my most recent work. [agutos</a> art](<a href=“]agutos”></p>

<p>im going to attent portfolio day on january 17th at academy of art, with hopes of talking to CCA and SFAI</p>

<p>ps. i will be applying to both of those schools this year as a transfer</p>

<p>here are some of mine…i dont have all of mine uploaded yet
just RISD and MICA for me:)
and couple normal school with good art programs.
[Flickr:</a> shutonTONNNN’s Photostream](<a href=“http://www.■■■■■■■■■■/photos/shutonton]Flickr:”>shutonTONNNN | Flickr)</p>

<p>trying to get in more observational drawings.</p>