<p>AP Euro
AP Eng
AP French
Anatomy (dual)
PoliSci (dual) / art requirement (ea. sem.)
Pre-Cal (I suck at math)
mandatory religion.</p>
<p>Pretty easy actually, I’m not really applying to top schools anyway.</p>
<p>AP Euro
AP Eng
AP French
Anatomy (dual)
PoliSci (dual) / art requirement (ea. sem.)
Pre-Cal (I suck at math)
mandatory religion.</p>
<p>Pretty easy actually, I’m not really applying to top schools anyway.</p>
<p>To HonorsCentaur:
IB Math Studies was a very poor choice imo. IB Math is NOT difficult, especially if you can do IB Physics HL. I mean I can’t tell you what to do, but ALL schools know the difference between IB Math and IB Math Studies and will downgrade your skills. In big schools unfairly emphasize math schools more than any other class (from what I have read on admission and CC).</p>
<p>Anyways, my senior schedule is:</p>
<p>Full IB Diploma candidate</p>
<p>IB Math HL
IB French B SL
IB Chemistry HL
IB History of the Americas HL
IB English A1 HL
IB Theory of Knowledge S1/ either Matrix Theory or free period S2
Discrete Math/Graph Theory (college class taught at my school)
Phy1001 Applied Physics</p>
<p>AP Physics C
AP Calculus BC
AP psychology
Honors English/ Honors Philosophy as Literature
Creative Writing
Honors East Asia
<p>AP Lit
AP Stat
AP Human Geography
AP Art History
AP European History
Advanced Piano</p>
<p>Go 2010! Can’t wait.</p>
<p>AP Biology
AP Physics C
AP Calc BC
AP English Lit
Intro to Engineering
Personal Finance
Affairs in Government
Health (lol)</p>
<p>ah oh no!
was it really that bad of a choice for me?
if so how much will it affect admissions? i mean i’m taking AP Calc, the hardest math offered at my school.
although I hate Physics and will probably get like a 4 on the HL exam (if i’m lucky) lol
plus i’m gonna self-study a couple AP’s</p>
<p>AP Lit
AP Comparative Gov’t
AP Environmental Science
AP Statistics
Senior Seminar/Film Studies</p>
<p>I’ve been told my schedule is “light” for top colleges…true?
I didn’t think so, but maybe I’m wrong.</p>
<p>^ Well, like if you’re planning for a non-math/science based major then not too bad. It just kinda doesn’t fit the rest of your schedule lol. I think colleges are going to think that you’re taking it for an easy 7. IB Math SL is, seriously, rly easy. IB Studies is a joke lol.</p>
<p>oh no!! i’ll see if i can switch when school starts, but most likely not…</p>
<p>and i want to go into business/finance/something like that which is obviously heavily math based, sooo…</p>
<p>AP Environmental Science
AP English 12 (Lit)
AP Comparative Government
Trig (lol)
Spanish 5
Intern/Mentor (You get a internship, basically, and it’s weighted the same as AP)</p>
<p>AP English IV
AP Gov/Honors Econ (gonna self study ap macroeconmics)
Concert Band
Student Gov’t
(insert class here: im switching out of physics due to fact I already made up the ap physics in CC…)</p>
<p>-DE Entrepreneurship
-Mass Media
-Environmental Science (LOL, we only have regular)
-AP Eng Lit
-AP Psychology
-DE Government </p>
<p>Ah, no math and no math science. My dream come true. =')</p>
<p>Rixs - I take it you’re not going to self-study APES?</p>
<p>oh yeah i’m gonna self-study a few AP’s
I think APES, Macro, World History (already took before but I didn’t really pay attention in class. 3 on exam) possibly a few others.</p>
<p>Oh and I’m sticking with Studies SL. I talked it over with my father, he agrees and said it was a very rational decision.</p>
<p>Since we’re all taking over the “Post your freshman year schedule” thread, thought I’d post my planned senior schedule (I’m a rising Junior) 2011 FTW.</p>
<p>AP Sleep (Self-study)
BIO 111: General Biology I
CIS 110: Introduction to Computers (Summer before)
ENG 265: American Literature I
English IV Honors (Summer before)
ESS 220: Physical Fitness for Life
Forensics Honors
MAT 273: Calculus III
MAT 285: Differential Equations
PHY 251: General Physics I (Calc-based)
PSY 100: General Psychology
PHY 252: General Physics II (Calc-based)
PSC 100: American Politics</p>
<p>PG English (whatevs I hate english)
AP Calc BC
AP Psych
AP Physics C (Both)
Multivariable Calculus
Digital Photography II
Intro to Philosophy (required…)</p>
<p>I guess the fact that I’m taking a college level course makes up for the fact that I’m only taking 3 APs…
I was going to take AP 2D design but that stupid religion requirement prevented me from doing so. That’s not insanely important. I don’t need a class to work on my portfolio for applying to college anyway. I have my d90, my FM10, access to the darkroom, and photoshop. That’s all I could ask for anyway.</p>
<p>World History AP
Spanish 5AP
Physics 2AP
Psychology AP
European History AP
English 4AP
Multi-Variable Calc H</p>
<p>AP English Literature
AP US Gov & Politics
AP Calculus BC
AP Physics B
French III (skipped last year for Stats)</p>
<p>wow people’s schedules are jam packed with AP’s</p>
<p>GO 2010!!!</p>
<p>I’m an IB Diploma Candidate so yep. </p>
<p>IB HL Math
IB HL Biology
AP Physics C (Independent Study, and I’m aiming for both)
IB HL English
IB HL European History
IB SL Spanish B
IB SL Psychology
IB Theory of Knowledge Senior</p>