Post Your Winter 2006 Schedule

<p>Poli Sci 40: Intro to American Politics
English Composition 3
GE Cluster 23B: Inside the Performing Arts
Korean 2A: Beginning Korean</p>

<p>I changed my schedule: </p>

<p>MCD Bio 40
Hist 13B
GE 60B
Film 130A</p>

<p>i exchanged hist 13b for hist 4</p>

<p>French 41
Comm Studies 10
Sociology 1
Chicano Studies 19</p>

<p>I really wanted into PoliSci 30 and it was FULL! :(</p>

<p>71A GE Biotechnology and Society
Chem 14B
English III</p>

<p>I'm working so debating on whether to take 4 classes</p>