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<p>Far be it for me to attempt to staunch a long, confusing CC tradition, but hopefully by putting some actual information out there the forum won't be (as) plagued by highschool seniors asking other highschool seniors whether or not they'll get into a college. I am in no way affiliated with Virginia Tech admissions. I'm just a recent engineering graduate and these are my opinions, although all numbers are from the VT undergraduate admissions website: Freshman</a> Snapshot | Undergraduate Admissions | Virginia Tech . If I say anything you don't think is right then by all means post, I'd rather have accurate information out there than have people think I'm right.</p>

<p>GPA: Average High School GPA: 3.96
Middle 50% GPA: 3.71–4.17

<p>What does this mean? If you have above a 4.17 (weighted, on a 5.0 max scale) then your GPA is extremely unlikely to prevent you from an offer of admission and will likely work in your favor to balance out a lowish SAT/ACT. If it is between the two then your GPA is fairly well in line with VT and will probably neither help nor hurt you. If your GPA is below 3.71 you may need some other aspect of your application to shine (SAT, a hook, etc.) And of course someone with a 3.65 isn't going to need as much help as someone with a 3.45 would.</p>

<p>Average SAT Reasoning Test score (critical reading + math): 1,250
Middle 50% SAT Reasoning Test score: 1,160–1,340

<p>What does this mean? Basically the same as above. Anything over a 1340 will help balance out another lacking part of your application (to an extent,) while anything below an 1160 may need some balancing to get you in. </p>

<p>So think of it this way. If your GPA and SAT are both in the middle range then you're probably a match and you'll probably get in, although certainly nothing is guaranteed. If your GPA and SAT are both higher than the middle 50% you're very likely to get in. Still have a good safety because You Never Know, but you've got very good odds. If your GPA and SAT are both lower than the middle 50% and you don't have a hook (URM) then VT is probably a reach for you. You still have a chance at getting in, especially if you're close to the middle 50%, but don't count on it. If one is higher and one is lower it is a bit (more) of a crap shoot and is going to depend on how much higher and lower you are.</p>

<p>And of course the major you apply to is going to matter. Engineering, CAUS and a couple others are going to be harder while Communications etc. are going to be easier. You should still apply to what you actually want to be in though, because transferring into Engineering is a pain and transferring into CAUS is an absolute terrifying nightmare. As in multiple classes that won't count for anything unless you pass a few auditions, and there's a real good chance you won't. And at LEAST an extra year of classes.</p>

<p>Your ECs don't really matter that much, and your recommendation letters, if VT even accepts them now, matter less. Some REALLY good ones will help you, but usually they're the type that if you've got it the rest of your application shines anyway. Go ahead and submit them, just don't expect to get accepted with a low GPA and low SAT because you were the president of 20 BS clubs in high school. I didn't do an essay and I turned out fine, but if I had it to do over again I probably would now, so as not to chance it.</p>

<p>URM status, on the other hand, matters quite a bit. If you're black or hispanic (or another URM, which is pretty much anything other than white/asian/indian) it is going to help you, possibly even more if you're applying to engineering. If you're female I'm not sure how much it helps for other majors, but it does help for engineering.</p>

<p>On the other side of that is the NoVa factor. VT compares you to your peers applying from your highschool. Apparently everyone and their mother from NoVa applied to VT, giving you a stiffer than average pool of competition. That means it is harder to get in. Which is fine with me because there are too darn many of you at VT anyway (judging from my dating history) but I digress... Just be aware that if you're near the bottom of the middle 50% in both GPA and SAT and you are from NoVa your odds are significantly lower than if you were from somewhere else. Now I'm going to go watch my TiVoed HIMYM and Chuck.</p>

<p>Chuy, great post.</p>

<p>Now I just want to highlight a couple of things.


<p>Many schools in VA are now even pulling a way from that 5.0 AP scale max, and only giving 4.5 for an AP or IB. Honors has become the standard in this area, and they now have even a funky way of weighting honors. </p>

<p>Additionally, in other states, such as NC, AP could be weighted 6.0, Jumpstart at the CC is 5.0 and Honors at HS is 5.0. It is important for every applicant to know what their weight scale is at their hs school, because VT will convert it to their program.</p>



<p>This is incredibly true. VT is really trying to make sure they represent the state from a diversity standpoint. NoVA is known to be highly competitive from an academic standpoint. For example, the majority of Fairfax schools are ranked nationally in magazines like USNWR, Time, Newsweek, etc. VT doesn’t want everyone from NoVA because they are “perceived” as the best schools academically. They need to have people from everywhere within the state.</p>

<p>A 3.8 wgpa from Emporia could get admitted while the 4.1 wgpa from Stafford could be rejected. </p>

<p>They will look at where you are from and try to keep apples with apples. They know and understand how competitive NoVA is so they will look at the student from their geographic area.</p>

<p>We are from NoVA, PW county. Our DD with stats way above the avg for admittance was deferred for EA. Not one student at her hs that is the only school to offer the Cambridge program in the county, was accepted EA. However, a hs down the road that is ranked lower in the county academically, got a ton of EA admits. When RD came out only the students in the AICE program at the hs were accepted, if you only had Honors you got the thin envelope. The AICE program only had 7% of the graduating class.</p>

<p>My point is before you make a general chance me, research the chances from your school standpoint.</p>

<p>To say you are top 15% of your class with a 3.98 wgpa, and a 1300 SAT is not a def. From a stat point it looks like an “IN”. To give all of those same stats and say you are from NOVA, it could be a completely different answer, depending on other issues…legacy, URM, hook.</p>

<p>Additionally if you are OOS from Idaho, VT may accept you with lower stats because they want diversity for OOS, they don’t want every student to be from the east coast or only OOS because they are going to be a part of the corps.</p>

<p>Wow thanks that was really helpful. I was feeling down because my GPA is significantly lower based on the scale used at my school. 5.0 scale must be heaven considering at my school currently (in Southwestern Ohio) you receive no additional GPA for honors and just 0.03 per semester (or 0.06 for the full year) for any AP classes. Based on that 5.0 scale my GPA jumps to a 3.66. With that GPA which is a bit lower than the middle 50% and an SAT score of 1330 (chance to increase in October), and being an OOS student I feel a bit better at my chances for engineering. </p>

<p>Any thoughts?</p>

<p>To be honest I couldn’t tell you exactly how VT does it’s GPA conversions. The way I THINK it works is honors/AP classes get one extra point, provided the grade is a C or better, but again take that with a grain of salt.</p>

<p>Out of that 1330 what was your math score? Judging from the information in the link I gave they weigh that more heavily, and I can only assume that that would be doubly true for engineering.</p>

<p>I got 680 Math 650 Reading. But in October Math should go over 700</p>

<p>Bump to get this back on the first page.</p>

<p>What would you say about a 4.156 GPA and a 1230/1790 SAT. (590CR, 640M) and I’m applying as a biology major. Rank 7/397. Asian male from SOVA.</p>

<p>I’d like to think the grading scale at my school is hard (6pt scale).</p>

<p>Great thread, Chuy. I’ve got ties to Tech and alot of knowledge of admissions and such from here :)</p>

<p>In regards to just GPA…what is considered “competitive” now is probably around 3.6 or 3.7 W on a 4.0 Scale.</p>

<p>Plue00 - I’d say you’ve got a good chance. GPA & SATs are on par with the mid-50%. As long as you’ve got honors and AP/IB classes under your belt, you’re very competitive for admission.
I know the SoVA grading scale is pretty different from NoVA, depending on where you are it IS harder…what general area you in?</p>

<p>I’ll be graduating with 8 AP classes (Euro, Bio, US, Chem, Psych, Physics B, Calculus BC, Gov) and many, many honors classes. Also, I’m in a magnet program in my high school. I live in Virginia Beach.</p>

<p>Our scale goes: (We also don’t get a +1 for AP or +.5 for honors. We get something much lower)
100-94 = A
93-86 = B</p>

<p>I’m from the same area as you! Graduated from an academy high school too.</p>

<p>I’d say you’ve got a really good chance with your GPA & SAT scores since all the magnet programs in the high schools are the hardest classes available.</p>

<p>And yeah, VB’s grading scale is a bit difficult/slightly different than other VA school systems, especially with weighted GPA. Everything is less than .05 extra GPA points for AP/IB classes. Good thing they’ve modified the 10-point system to use as the new grading scale.</p>

<p>If a school doesn’t weight, does VT recalculate the GPA to meet their weighted standards? I have a 3.1 UW, but if it were weighted, I’d have a 3.8, along with a 31 ACT. VaTech is my top choice.</p>

<p>I actually disagree with the part about NOVA. It is true that it might be more competitive then SoVA and other parts of the state, but not nearly to the extent that you suggest. </p>

<p>Here are the stats from my high school (in Prince William County):
Average GPA: 3.86<br>
SAT to 1600: 1193<br>
SAT to 2400: 1769
ACT Average: 26</p>

<p>Kyle, Yeah, the “4.1 WGPA” comment might be a stretch, but chuy’s main point is right. I’d say with regard to GPA, you can get into Tech without worrying with a 3.8W if you’re from Richmond or Hampton Roads…but not so much if you’re from NOVA.</p>

<p>I’m assuming the average GPA is weighted…but the weight your school gives could be alot different from other schools. I don’t know if you’re trying to say your school is below average or just average for VT Admissions.</p>

<p>I’m trying to show that it is around average. The SAT/ACT scores are about exactly in the middle of the “middle 50%.” Also, that GPA is weighted, we get a scale of 0-5 for AP classes (with 5 being an A) and some 4.5s for select honors courses. I’ve noticed that it’s pretty much the trend in NoVA to do exactly that^.</p>

<p>Being around average & in the middle 50% is a bit of a disadvantage if you’re in NOVA. I’ve heard it from the admissions office. But that isn’t taking into account what major you’re applying into and if you’re an URM.</p>

<p>In Nova as a rule, Chuy is right. You need to count on higher numbers. The avg. stats from each school w/i Nova to gain acceptant to VT are obviously going to vary. There are still some that if you don’t have a 4.0/2000+ you may not be getting in. Just ask any student that has gone through an IB, Cambridge, or similar speciality program that is common in that region.</p>

<p>@ Kyle, If you are looking at Naviance and basing your figures on averages for VT acceptances, keep in mind that the data is gathered over several years, while the actual stats for each year’s class continues to rise. You also want to consider any ‘random’ data points that may be drawing that average down. If you have a student with a 3.0/1300 showing an acceptance you might want to consider a data entry error, or a major hook. If you don’t have a similar hook, I’d recalculate without the ‘outliers’ that may be giving a false impression of lower average acceptance for the student with no hook.</p>

<p>As the date for Early Decision notification comes closer I’m getting nervous. Do you think I can get in with these stats?</p>

<p>In state (NOVA)</p>

<p>GPA: 3.71</p>

<p>92 of 298 in class</p>

<p>SAT: 1120 (math and reading)
Best Scores: 600 reading, 520 math, 610 writing</p>

<p>Senior Courses:
AP English Lit
AP Chemistry

<p>AP’s taken or taking:
AP World History
AP Biology
AP US History
AP Psychology
AP English Lit
AP Chemistry</p>

<p>Undecided/University Studies Major</p>

<p>Extracurricular Activities:
Octagon Club
Student Council Association (SCA Historian)
Marching Band
Freshman/Sophomore/Junior/Senior Class Council
Spanish Club
Varsity Soccer
National Honor Society</p>

<p>lots of community service</p>

<p>can you please chance me?</p>

<p>I’m a senior in high school in fairfax county. white male.</p>

<p>Gpa: 3.55
SAT: 1670
Writing: 530

<p>Courses Taken:</p>

<p>Freshman Year:
Pre-IB Geometry
Pre-IB English
Pre-IB Biology
Pre-IB World History II
Principles of Business
Freshman P.E
Spanish 2</p>

<p>Sophomore Year:
Pre-IB Algebra 2
Physical Education 10
IB Chemistry 1
Pre-IB English 10
Pre-IB US/VA Government
Business Management VE
Spanish 3</p>

<p>Junior Year:
IB Envrionmental Systems
IB Biology I
IB English 11
IB Spanish I
IB Business Management SL
IB History Of Americas
Clubs: 1st Vice President of Student Government, History Honor Society, Business Honor Society, Varsity Math Team, Future Business Leaders of America
Sports: Freshman Year: Varstiy Swim, Junior VarsityLacrosse
Sophomore Year: Varsity Swim, Varsity Tennis
Junior Year: Varsity Swim</p>

<p>Posting again with updated SAT scores.</p>

<p>GPA: 4.156
Rank: 7/397
Asian - Male
SAT (super score): 590CR, 640M, 640W - 1870 total
AP classes: Euro, Biology, US, Chemistry, Psychology, Calculus BC, Physics B, Government. 8 total.
Magnet school
Awaiting SAT II results in Math I, Bio E and US
Southern Virginia</p>

<p>Applying into biology.</p>

<p>I’m no expert on this; however, I have a little knowledge of how the admissions process goes.</p>

<p>Titangirl - I’d say you’re in, if not ED then you’d be deferred and probably will get in RD. Only things to be afraid of are the fact you’re from Nova & SAT score, specifically your math score. If you get deferred, use the chance to improve your SAT score. Is your GPA weighted or unweighted?</p>

<p>Bmasta - Is 3.55 your weighted or unweighted GPA? I’d say you’re a little iffy since you’re from Nova and not at a 3.6. Your SAT scores are on the low-ish end as well. If you aren’t applying ED or get deferred, take the chance to raise your SAT scores. Your IB classes will help some, but not too much because so many people take IB/AP classes and apply to tech. If your first semester grades are As and Bs though, I think you have a good shot. But again, since you’re from Nova, it’s really hard to be sure since it’s such stiff competition.</p>

<p>Plue - Yes, definitely. I know someone who got in this year through another program with a lower GPA and class rank, but higher SAT scores. They’re also doing a magnet program (IB) in the 757. So I don’t think you have anything to worry about!</p>

<p>Again guys, I’m no expert. This is just what I can tell based on people I know who have already gotten accepted this year and from the knowledge I have of the admissions office. Good luck to all of you!</p>