Postmarked means..postmarked?

<p>Postmarked by...Nov 1st
I know this is pretty stupid of me but what is that exactly?
Since, my school has a policy where i turn my entire app into the guidance office and they send it out
does this long as teh guidance office sends it out on Nov 1st im safe, post office have to receive it by Nov 1st....if so how long do u think that would take?....i have a feeling this is a stupid question but i dont want to take a risk bc of a stupid technicality like this</p>

<p>Postmarked means postmarked. The app has to have the post office date Nov. 1 on the envelope. I can't imagine that your high school would be careless about this, so I wouldn't worry.</p>



<p>Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but the only way to be SURE they aren't careless is to check in with them 4 or 5 days before that deadline to be sure your application HAS been sent!!</p>

<p>if u know what to do. then why ask........ go ahead and tell them 5 days prior to all.......</p>

<p>if u know what to do. then why ask........ go ahead and tell them 5 days prior to all.......</p>