Postponed Applicant Result Thread

<p>So everyone still waiting is postponed? On my application it doesn't say postponed, but it also doesn't show a decision. I have a feeling I didn't get in :(</p>

<p>I was post-poned and got in yesterday. I checked via
ACT: 27
GPA: 3.74 (senior year UW)
Resident of Wisconsin
Attend a boarding school on the east coast.
Excellent recs + amazing essay (helping at refugee camps in Damascus, Syria)
Ethnicity - Middle-Eastern
President of two clubs
Showed a lot of interest,
Good luck to everyone else.</p>

<p>yeah I'm from maryland</p>

<p>Congrats kkhatib! Woud this qualify as them starting the in-state applicants then? And also, do those of you who have been admitted have last names at the beginning of the alphabet? I'm a V, so if they're going in alphabetical order, it could take awhile.</p>


<p>2.9UW/3.7W GPA
34 ACT

<p>I didn't even do the supplemental essays...</p>

<p>In as well, 1330 SAT, 28 ACT, 3.5 UW GPA</p>

<p>Are you OOS as well?</p>

<p>Yes, from a Chicago suburb</p>

<p>I was postponed back in November:</p>

<p>32 ACT
1340 / 1960 SAT
3.29 Unweighted GPA, 4.02 Weighted
Class Rank 88 of 441, Top 20% (just barely)
Minnesnowda Resisdent
Sent in additional ACT, SAT and SAT Subject test scores, supplemental essays, 2 recommendation letters, 2 personal letters</p>

<p>What I'm worried about though is that I got straight A's first semester senior year, except for a D- in IB Math Advanced Topics. How do you think this will affect my chances?</p>


<p>if they saw the d- on your mid year grades i wouldnt expect good news...</p>

<p>True, but on the bright side, no one here has posted that they were deferred yet, and all your other stats seem great so you might still have a slight chance. I'm going crazyyyyy waiting.</p>

<p>hey i locked myself out of the system (stupid i know)..when do we find out by mail?</p>

<p>You'll find out by mail about 3-4 days after it posts on the internet.</p>

<p>I am going out of town for the next couple days and won't have access to a computer to check my status, so I called my admissions counselor, who I've been communicating with pretty regularly to see if it was possible that my app had been reviewed but not updated to the status check. She had me hold and went to check if she could access my application easily. When she came back, she said it was where she thought it was, that it had already been reviewed, and that it would be entered any time between tomorrow and thursday morning. I thought this was all the information she was going to give me, but she went on to say "I'm not technically supposed to give admissions decisions over the phone, but let me just say this: you won't be dissappointed." I asked her if I would know for sure before Thursday and she said yes, but then said "Just trust me though, you won't be dissappointed." I took this to be her subtle way of saying I got in and thanked her for all her help in the process, to which she replied: "you're very welcome and I hope you enjoy coming here." So I can assume I'm in based on those comments, right? It seems so obvious but it's just been such a long wait I'm having a hard time believing its real.</p>

<p>But anyway...YAY!</p>

<p>I heard back in the mail today, I didn't get accepted. :( . I had like a 89 average with 1150 sat but i had strong clubs, sports, great essays/reccomendations, and I spent the summer their. Almost 15 kids from my school got accepted already this year. I'm upset, kinda wanted to go there..</p>

<p>I'm really sorry to hear that. Maybe check into the extended waitlist or bridge program?</p>

<p>baseball89, what does it say on the website for you? Nothing? Other than the application is "Complete"? Mine says that STILL, I was probably rejected.</p>

<p>Don't worry too much. Mine still says "We have postponed a decision on your application..." and my counselor said decisions will be posted up through thursday.</p>

<p>Well fabalyss21, mine doesn't even say that. Mine says my application is "complete", there is no mention of a postponement. I don't think I got in :(</p>

<p>"Your application is being reviewed by one of our admission counselors. Check back here for updates on your application status."</p>

<p>Copied and pasted exactly as it is on my "Student Center". Am I looking at the right spot? It has been like this ever since...probably the 2nd week of February.</p>