Postponed Applicants

<p>Nevermind, found the tab!! Phew.</p>

<p>I just found out I was accepted!!! So excited they sent me an email before saying they made an admission decison. so they are starting to make decisions on postponed applicants. I can’t wait to be a Badger! good luck to everyone else</p>

<p>Wait, you got an email saying to check your my uw or a separate email just saying they made a decision?</p>

<p>Congratulations! Would you mind sharing your stats?</p>

<p>Judging by your username, your last name starts with a B. Maybe they’re going through alphabetically? No email for me yet, but I checked MyUW. No word. AHHH!</p>

<p>Thanks! Yes I checked my email first and it said that a decsion had been made on my application for admission and to check my student center. So once you get an email, a decsion has been made. I am an out of state student, got all A’s for my first semester (took all honors and AP classes), 3.6 UW gpa and 4.25 W gpa. All throughout high school I participated in cross country, winter track, and track. Also part of various clubs such as NHS and key club. My highest score on the ACT was a 25. I really thought I wasn’t going to get into UW madison, but I visited and decided to apply anyway. When I got postponed, I thought that I was for sure not getting in now. But I kept trying and wrote my admissions counselor saying how much I want to come there and sent another letter of reccommendation. Next thing I know, I find out that I was accepted. So don’t ever lose hope or think you can’t get in cause I am a walking example of someone who got in despite the odds.</p>

<p>My last name stars with A. I haven’t received a decision yet, so that eliminates what someone suggested earlier.</p>

<p>Congrats!! I am happy for you!!</p>

<p>So…no one else is hearing?</p>

<p>I sure haven’t yet. If I don’t hear tonight, admissions is getting an earful tomorrow morning</p>

<p>Alright, I have just been watching this forum ever since I was postponed but today has caused me to make an account. This is getting ridiculous. We have all been waiting for months to hear back today and practically no one has heard yet. It’s almost 10 PM in Wisconsin and nothing? Come on…</p>

<p>I agree it is really annoying that we can follow deadlines and they can not. If they could not finish them today then why say you would have them out on the 15th…</p>

<p>ugh. haven’t heard anything yet!
if i don’t get into uw, it’s looking like u of m for sure!</p>

<p>Just heard back, even though it’s technically the 16th now and they promised we would hear back by the 15th…
Anyway, waitlisted, but I’m truthfully not too upset about it. I obviously really enjoy getting acceptance letters, but I’ve already gotten into my top choice so I’m not bothered if I’m deffered, waitlisted, rejected, etc. Just a little annoyed. Has anyone else heard yet? Good luck to everyone!</p>

<p>@tothemoonandback did you get an email or no?</p>

<p>check your notifications. my letter was up, but my status hadn’t changed and I hadn’t got an email.</p>

<p>@discounted you get in? Still nothing for me…</p>

<p>no, I got waitlisted and invited to join the connections program.</p>

<p>sorry to hear that.</p>

<p>eh, i really had no interest in going. haha.</p>