Postponed chances at UW Madison

Okay so I applied to UW Madison for ED, and I was postponed. I was Wondering what my chances are of being accepted from the postpone. My ACT is still a 27. I am out of state in Illinois. My UW GPA was roughly a 3.6. However I reported my Mid year grades and my UW GPA was only 3.4 however I got all As in my easy classes and B’s in my hard ones, so my weighted GPA is still around a 3.9. My cumulative unweighted is still around a 3.6, and I think it’s a 3.59 to be exact. UW madison is my dream school. Do I have any chance of getting in? I also still have 2 good letters of recommendation and I had a few extracurricular and honors added to my application. Will my slight decrease in GPA effect my chances? Does anybody know how competitive postponed applicants are?

Wow are stats are very similar, i too was postponed

Are they? Yeah I am really scared about whether I am eventually going to get in!

My stats are also very similar, also from Illinois but my ACT has the edge with a score of 30. Demonstrated a ton of interest so hoping to get into my dream school as well! I applied during the second period though

Oh okay! Yeah I sent them an email that contained my interest in still attending UW madison if I get accepted. I really want to know what my chances are though

Honestly I think you’re right in the middle and it could easily go either way, so kinda hard to predict.

Okay! I know someone with a 30 ACT and someone with a 31 who were both postponed. I wish they would consider the fact that peple may get really good grades their second semester due to first semester being so busy for me. All I can do is hope.

I wish I also applied early so I’d at least have a half-decision by now, I haven’t heard of anyone being rejected around our stats. it’s either accept or postpone

Yes, neither have I. Im just hoping for the best. UW Madison is the definition of a dream school

I hope they realize that I have potential to do well at UW Madison, because I know that I do

I have about the same stats, too, but am in-state. There are others waiting in anticipation, too!

@AgPrincess‌ Yes! The wait is Awful!

Anybody else have anything to say??

I was postponed as well:
In state
3.67 unweighted gpa (3.94 weighted)
28 act (just taken again Feb 7, still haven’t gotten my new scores yet)
Lots of extracurriculars voulenterr work, ext
3 rec letters

Lots of acceptances from my school, but also a lot of postpones. Only a few declines that I am aware of. My semester gpa was a 3.89 so that’s always a good application boost. I’ve also been in contact with the admissions office stating my interest.

Mid March can’t come soon enough!

@ad1172 Good luck!!! I have been accepted into U of I, so if I dont get in its fine. However I still want to get in. Do you think I have a chance?

Son has 4.08 gpa w/ 32 ACT and was postponed.

Wow! What is the unweighted GPA?

I have a 3.8 weighted GPA with a 33 on the ACT and was also postponed. Hopefully second round works out!

Yeah, I hope I end up getting in, but it’s not the end of the world if I don’t

3.870 UW. He really wanted UWM until he got postponed. He was accepted into a much better program which he was willing to surpass because he loved UWM. He now feels that their uncertainty if they want him makes it not the right place for him.