Postponed chances!!

<p>I know everyone who was postponed, including myself, is very nervous but hopeful right now. Fill out these questions so everyone can have a better idea of who is getting in and who isn't. I know someone has done this template in the past but I couldn't find it.</p>

<p>High School GPA:
Rigor of coursework:
Date you were postponed:
Have you heard yet?
Other school(s) you will attend if you don't get into Madison:</p>

<p>duuuuuuude this is only increasing my anxiety i can not look at this</p>

<p>this is baaaaad</p>

<p>High School GPA: 3.63 UW…school doesn’t weigh.
Rigor of coursework: pretty rigorous
Essays: apparently they were great
Extracurriculars: not too many. 4 years of cross country, 3 years of track and field, human relations club, spanish club, spanish honor society, national art honor society, organize a holiday fundraiser for underprivileged teens in the madison area on my own every winter, plus oodles of other fundraising hours
Date you were postponed: January 8 or 9.
Have you heard yet?: nooo and I’m about to lose my mind.
Other school(s) you will attend if you don’t get into Madison:
U of M - Twin Cities. decent school but it’s no UW!
I’m RIGHT in the middle of the curve of postponed applicants so I’m nervous beyond belief.</p>

<p>High School GPA: 3.755 (unweighted)
ACT: 26
Essays: Very strong, talked about my struggles with my learning disability i was diagnosed with freshman year
Extracurriculars:4 years dance team, 4 years student government, 4 years peer helpers, link crew, student ambassadors, over 300 hours of service hours in community, campus ministry, boys and girls club volunteer, volunteer for autism children every year, nursing home volunteer…a lot.<br>
Date Postponed: December 13, 2010
Have you heard yet? No, and i’m going nuts!
Other schools you will attend if you don’t get into UW Madison: UW-Lacrosse</p>

<p>we can do it guys and gals, only 9 days left! ahh good luck to all and i’m glad to know that i’m not the only one freaking out and feel as though these next 9 days will be the slowest 9 days of my life!!</p>

<p>High School GPA: 3.4 (UW)
Rigor of coursework: Very difficult (College Spanish, Chemistry, Calc, Government, and Econ)
Essays: Very good - 1 about my political involvement and 1 about my struggles with ADHD and not being able to take medication
Extracurriculars: A ton! President of a club and treasurer of student government. 16+ E.C.s
Date you were postponed: December 26, 2010
Have you heard yet? NO :frowning: HOPEFULLY THIS WEEK! :slight_smile:
Other school(s) you will attend if you don’t get into Madison: Marquette University, University of Minnesota, UCLA</p>

<p>I honestly feel like all of you will get in before me. I haven’t heard of one person who has a lower GPA than I do. </p>

<p>What were all of your first semester senior year grades? Mine was only a 3.63 :(</p>

<p>High School GPA: 3.33 UW (there you go MNBadger :P), 4.0 W
Rigor of coursework: Throughout high school: 5 APs, 11 honors courses
Essays: one about my experiences and leadership in an anti-bullying club, and the other about being an invisible to prominent person on my HS campus when i moved cross-country after junior year
Extracurriculars: A fair amount; good leadership though (sports editor of hs newspaper, club presidents, etc…) mixed with athletics and job experience
Date you were postponed: December 18, 2010
Have you heard yet? Nopeeeeee
Other school(s) you will attend if you don’t get into Madison: Indiana University on a $9,000/yr scholarship, and DA and Media Scholar in the School of Journalism.</p>

<p>I worked by butt off first semester this senior year so I could show to UW-Madison how hard I could work and prove to them that I am capable of succeeding in their university. I got a 4.0 first semester, (we go by terms, there are 2 terms in a semester, and 4.0 for both terms) cumulating to a 4.0. It didn’t come with slacking off by any means, hopefully that’ll show bucky town that I’m ready for them! :0</p>